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Phial of Fantasia Question

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So we're supposed to get this when we subscribe for one month, and I desperately need a name change and look change (I have a minute or so to make my character before the server locked up again)


So I was wondering if anyone knew if we would get these on the day of release, with our free month, or will it be a month after release when we actually pay?

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So we're supposed to get this when we subscribe for one month, and I desperately need a name change and look change (I have a minute or so to make my character before the server locked up again)


So I was wondering if anyone knew if we would get these on the day of release, with our free month, or will it be a month after release when we actually pay?


You'll receive it as soon as you PAY for your first month. I do also want to add that they have not included a name change with the phial, so you may be disappointed there.

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