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Eorzean Epidemic [Idea]


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There's no effective way to permanently seal a Primal that's available to current residents of Hydaelyn -- other than, perhaps, executing everyone who worships said Primal. If there were, the Scions or the Garleans would have a solution to the Primal problem. :)

Slipped my mind lol. Actually there's a way to get rid of primals:

As long as there are believers then a primal can be summoned, solution: kill every single believer (genocides of monster tribes).


It sounds pretty cruel and very time and money wasting though, no wonder eorzeans/garleans haven't done it yet.

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9/20 12:15 PM:

Patient Zero is eradicating Opo's for a local forest dweller in the Central region of the Black shroud when he receives a gash on his forearm from an Opo claw. Patient slays Opo and retreats to his camp.


9/20 2:30 PM:

Patient's gash becomes infected. Veins around infected area begin to turn black, spreading outward from the area. Patient begins trekking back to Gridania.


9/20 4:15 PM:

Patients travel has slowed almost to a crawl due to weakness and exhaustion from infection, black veins further extending from infected area. In an act of desperation, patient uses his atherial teleport to travel quickly to Gridania.


9/20 4:16 PM:

Patient arrives at center of New Gridania. Feeling uplifted being within arm's reach of help, patient begins stumbling towards Adventurer's Guild. Eyewitness reports confirm that patient broke into coughing fit near the end of the Aertherial crystal platform. As the first citizens were able to reach him, patient slumped over and proceeded to erupt into convulsions. Crowd gathered as citizens begin lifting and carrying patient to AG. Eyewitness' report that 4 citizens were confirmed to be carrying Patient Zero. These 4 are the first confirmed cases of Secondary Infection past Patient Zero. Patient is taken into room with healer and secluded from public.


9/20 5:30 PM:

Healer emmerages from room. Patient is pronounced dead.


Side Note: Much confusion followed in the next two weeks, making it nearly impossible for investigators to track down what happened to the first 4 cases of Secondary Infection before it was too late.


9/27 11:00 AM:

Market spectators observe a vacant stall.


9/29 8:00AM:

Two Wood Wailers fail to report for roll call.


10/01 2:15 PM:

Neighbors complain about stench coming from stall workers residence. Door is broken down after no answer. Stall worker found dead, neighbors inspect body. Black veins run outward from areas of major organs including eyes, mouth, heart, and liver. Infection begins.


(If you guys like this and want more, or for a full breakdown of how an epidemic in Eorzea would go with this infection, let me know. I'd love to script out a whole RP event.)

I too participated in an epidemic event on the Wyrmrest Accord server on WoW. This is pretty similar to how it got started there too. One thing I would suggest is taking advantage of the Aethernet; it essentially makes travel even faster than in the real world (and faster than most methods of travel in WoW) which would likely spread the disease at a fast rate to the other city-states. 

And then the logical course of action would be to quarantine areas until a cure is found. This means that RPers would obstain from use of the Aethernet, which makes travelling a pain, but it definitely makes for great roleplay and even some opportunity for some awesome adventures on foot, or on mount, across Eorzea. 

Which raises a question: will chocobos be affected at all?

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Animals arent susceptible to many of the same diseases we are. They have their own diseases for the most part. Like ferrets can get human-flu (lol Im not making it up), and people can contract if from them. They can share a lot of medical conditions though, like leukemia, pancreatitis, heart defects and so on.


Chocobos being avian, I don't think they would, since birds don't really contract anything from humans, unless youre spreading chlamydia or a flu virus...

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