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Well, finished working on my first colour image.

I'm actually feeling pretty proud of myself, if I can get away with saying that.





Reworking my character as I go, she came out real different than what I had initially planned; but I like her more.

Also character page update, for those that are interested. >_>


Thats pretty good!! :approve:

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"Retain" sounds like you plan on kidnapping me~! -Laughs-


You're not planning that, right?


Well, Ren is all noble and upstanding and crap to he isn't likely to. However, I'm the co-founder and a pirate. So...yeah. You do the math :P


Yep... noble... upstanding.... and crap... and easily-distracted-by-something-shiny-while-Tyr-goes-a'kidnapping.


*sees a penny* Oooh shiny!


Seriously though, very good work :D Any group would be lucky to have ya artwork or not :D


British too right? Always a bonus :P

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Thanks very much!



Cookies eh? Sounds pretty good. *u*

The Cookie Monster is awesome! Grew up watching Sesame street.

I still remember the shock learning


that there's not actually all these great fuzzy creatures somewhere eating cookies and making mess! D:

I always suspected that Santa was a lie, but I genuinely believed in the Sesame street characters.



And yeah~


All hail Britannia~! o/ o/ o/

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Ohhh so pretty!

I really like this last one of Ami Faye!


You don't suppose I could ask for one of my masked heroine lancer-cat, do you? ^^;




Hrm =_=

I would say yeah~

but I don't know if it'll come out ok. I don't work very well under pressure.

I'm considering it.


I'd need a little more information on Azyria's appearance too~

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there. ^^

Just note that her eyes are kinda half-closed, for some reason. I guess the flash was too strong when I took the pic? o_O

Feel free to take artistic liberties with the outfit, but do add a mask, please. ^^

Her concept is smith by day (pretending to have adapted to diurnal lifestyle), vigilante by night (cause she's really nocturnal and so fights at her best at night... don't ask when she sleeps.. she manages o_O ), hence the mask.

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