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New to FFXIV!

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Hey, everyone! Lewin Tallgraine here! My home server is Gilgamesh, at the moment, and I'm new to FFXIV as of today.

I've been playing MMOS for around 10 years now, and I have a moderate level of RP experience there. I've also got some RP experience from D&D and other group storytelling games, but I'm a newcomer to Hydaelyn, so I might some time adjusting to the setting. As of now, I don't really have too many ideas about my character, though I expect that will change soon.

My RP style is in the moderate to heavy range, but I might only do some light RP for awhile until I get used to the setting.

In real life, some of my hobbies are programming, writing stories (kind of obvious, right?), composing music, sketching, and reading.

I hope to have fun with you all!

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