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New to FF as a whole


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hey guys.

So I've always had friend who played final fantasy, never got into it, dont know why. I know key characters from some of the more popular games (7,10 and I think 8 and 5?)


Anyways, rambling late at night. As the title says, I'm completely new to (or will be new) FF14 and I do have questions.


One being a big one for me is about names. Are the naming conventions really strict within the RP community as a whole (say if I named my hellsguard Rivios, which is a name I'm known by friends etc) or is it something as long as its not, well, leet its fine?


Another is Lore in general for the setting. I'm poking around the main site and forum and I cant be bothered to play until I find a physical copy locally or they suddenly lift the digital downloads. Are there other good sources for Lore information?


I think my last question for the time being will be if there is an actual tab for appearance clothing/armor etc? Spatial RP areas etc? :P


I've only heard good things about the FF14 community in general and I hope when I get in, I'll enjoy my stay here :)

Edit: I forgot to mention, I will most likely play on Balmaug once I can get rolling xD

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Hello and welcome to the RPC! Glad to have you with us.


One being a big one for me is about names. Are the naming conventions really strict within the RP community as a whole (say if I named my hellsguard Rivios, which is a name I'm known by friends etc) or is it something as long as its not, well, leet its fine?

Following naming conventions for RP is better received than having "*incertclassname LAWL*" or straight up stealing a name from another game/anime ect. 

For naming conventions, I would suggest FFXIV Naming Conventions or, if you need a bit more help, FFXIV Name Generator is also nifty.


Another is Lore in general for the setting. I'm poking around the main site and forum and I cant be bothered to play until I find a physical copy locally or they suddenly lift the digital downloads. Are there other good sources for Lore information?


Your best bet for the lore would be the main site or even Wiki. There is plenty of info on the lore out there on the interwebz. Not to mention, we have a lot of knowledgeable people on the RPC who would be happy to answer questions.


I think my last question for the time being will be if there is an actual tab for appearance clothing/armor etc? Spatial RP areas etc

There are individual tabs for armor pieces (head,chest, main/off-hand weapon ect) You can store multiple armor sets for any class or job and you can save them as part of an equipped set. There isn't anything for straight vanity but you can store vanity sets in said tabs and carry them with you for on-the-go RP.


I hope this info was helpful and I hope you have fun on Balmung. ^_^

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I will keep trying to create my character on Balmung, but If I cant, I will have to wait some kind of transfer T_T  Anyway, I'm looking forward to play with you :moogle:

Log in during really off peak hours. I have had character creation open up to me and my FC mates during the times of 2am-6am pst.



Okay, I will set the alarm and try this :chocobo:  Thank you so much :moogle:

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