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Hello all!


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Just thought i'd actually say hello after been on here awhile lol :P.


My name is Greg and im 27 years old from the United Kingdom and have been playing MMO's and roleplay playing for round 10 years. My first MMO i played was City of Heroes and i played that right till its end last year. I enjoy roleplaying from the more social, spontaneous, to events or roleplaying during quests and dungeons. 


Must admit i am quite a noob when it comes to the Final Fantasy series even though i am a RPG fan. I remember playing FF7 when it came on on PSone and throwing the controller at the screen for not getting very far and not ever finishing it. I have played a few other Final Fantasy titles but not very far. As for FFXiV, i did buy it when it originally released but was able to get very far due to the trouble i had running it but since beta testing and playing ARR, i must admit i can't stop playing it :D.


Anyways my main Character is a male Miq'ote called R'khei Tia on the Balmung server and im always up for meeting new people etc. Look forward to meeting you all ingame.

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