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Salutations! (Gilgamesh/Balmung)


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MMORPG background 


I've been taking part in the MMORPG experience since before the term really existed in a mainstream setting. From MUDS and MOOS to BBS based RP. I've tinkered with every MMO that's caught my eye over years but I've really got a soft spot in my heart for EverQuest2, Rift and the once glorious Star Wars Galaxies. I just started my journey here, hoping to see what comes of it!


--RP experience


I've been roleplaying for over 20 years now! Ahmahgerd, I'm gettin' old! ><  Love me some tabletop though - good old D&D though I'm known to enjoy the World of Darkness (old and new) as well.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


I googled FFXIV RP :)

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


It depends on my mood. I generally consider myself somewhere between medium and heavy, with regard to my RP. I love random RP - please do find me in game!


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I am a mother of 5 (and yes, my eldest children play games with us!), I work from home and I have a background in sociology and gerontology (I know a lot about old people!). We are gamers (obviously), I enjoy scuba diving, swimming, reading, music, occasionally writing creatively and gardening. We consider ourselves part time homesteaders - we have an acre sized garden along with hyrdoponically grown indoor plants. We're learning mycology (mushroom growing!) and aquaponics (hydroponics with self feeding edible tilapia). 

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--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I am a mother of 5 (and yes, my eldest children play games with us!), I work from home and I have a background in sociology and gerontology (I know a lot about old people!). We are gamers (obviously), I enjoy scuba diving, swimming, reading, music, occasionally writing creatively and gardening. We consider ourselves part time homesteaders - we have an acre sized garden along with hyrdoponically grown indoor plants. We're learning mycology (mushroom growing!) and aquaponics (hydroponics with self feeding edible tilapia). 

I :love: you already (3 kids, parents have a pond, researching tilapia for them).  If you see a hicksville Roe female (Fystrael on Balmung) or a suave Keeper eunuch (Ohki'tan on Gilgamesh) floating around in Gridania or Limsa Lominsa, say hi!

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Seriously, aquaponic systems are really interesting. We'd like to attempt a small set up with maybe some strawberries or lettuce (both do very well with it) and tilapia because who doesn't like fresh fish whenever you want it!? Tilapia breed and grow very very quickly, so they're an ideal fish for it. 


On Gilgamesh I have Seda Moui, a Keeper of the Moon archer. I'll post my other characters when I remember their names, lol :)

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Five, blimey! I have one and I feel like I'm losing my mind! My 4 year old also plays with me, running around on his chocobo in Costa del Sol whilst I keep the bad mobs away. Someone tried RPing with him the other day as he spammed the 'joy' emote and I had to explain haha.


Welcome aboard and feel free to poke me on Rinh Hallani if you're in Balmung! ^^

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