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Nice to meet you all~! [Gilgamesh/Balmung]


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Heyo! I thought it'd be nice to write a bit about myself before I start posting on the forum. I've only viewed a few threads so far but I'm already loving it! It's really nice to see a community of people who share the same passion. Sorry for the really brief introduction, but I'm sure I'll be writing more as time passes. I hope I can get along with you~!



--MMORPG background

I have played WoW since 1.12 up to Cataclysm, and TERA since release (only for a month or so though.) I'm completely new to the FFXIV universe, but I'm doing my best to understand it! 

--RP experience

I have RP'd in WoW for about 2 years. 

--Character ideas/info

I have yet to make a character on one of those two servers, but I'm 100% sure it's going to be a Miqo'te! Although I'm not quite sure which one I should join.

--How did you learn about the coalition?


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium. I like to roleplay to relax from normal gameplay. I like dedicating myself to my characters.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I study languages and my hobbies range from Japanese games and anime to history and military equipment.



I'd love to get into this RP community as soon as possible! Unfortunately I do not know anyone yet...

But hey, it all takes time! Nice to meet you all!

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Well hello fellow new-person!


I also am a huge Japanese game lover. I'm always trying to get my hands on Japanese RPGs that never got translated or released in the US, especially from the PSone/PS2 eras.


If we end up on the same server, I look forward to RPing with you (though with the time zone difference that may be difficult, depending), and if we don't then perhaps our characters will meet someday in the forum RP threads here or somesuch!


Here's to enjoyable RPs ahead!

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Welcome aboard! Always nice to have more friendly faces around Balmung! If you need a low level tank or a mid-level monk for gameplay purposes at any time, feel free to poke me, I'd be glad to help! And of course, RP is always appreciated! Hope you have a great time playing with us all!

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