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Be aware: The chat system is currently silently discarding certain messages!

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Edit: Please report this issue in-game the next time it occurs to you! If we make enough noise, this might actually be fixed! Include the string that failed and make it clear that it's 100% reproducible.


If anyone tries sending the following text string, it will silently fail regardless of if they use /party, /say, /tell, FC chat, et cetera:


"I love you, pumpkin! How could you even ask such a thing! I love you so, so much! I always will! Forever!" She throws her arms around Missy, practically dragging the pair of them into the water.


If I change just one word, however, it works just fine:


"I heart you, pumpkin! How could you even ask such a thing! I love you so, so much! I always will! Forever!" She throws her arms around Missy, practically dragging the pair of them into the water.


I'm currently experiencing this problem on Balmung. Yes, I have reported it—feel free to comment on my bug report if needed or upvote it. If you're having this problem on other servers too, please post so I can add it to my bug report. This is a major issue because you basically have no idea if other people can hear you or not! It has wrecked two RP sessions for me already!


Thanks for the help, everyone! Hopefully they fix this soon!

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I think the important lesson here is that one should not love on pumpkins. It's not a gourd idea.


((And yeah, I've been having this issue too...))


If you would be so kind, please post on my bug report to confirm you're having the same problem.

Glad it's not just us, then. ^^


No, it's not thankfully. Please do post on my bug report to confirm you're also having the issue though! I'd like to make sure this gets their attention ASAP.

Oh my. We keep having blocks of text, even short text completely disappear when it's posted. Is it possibly because of the words in the sentence and not necessarily the length creating an issue then?


It's neither, so far as I can tell. I've tested many different combinations of things.

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This happened to me last night, as well. The line was:



For some reason, she was told that often. 'Some reason' likely being the fact she was tiny, even by Miqo'te standards. She glanced up at him briefly, then back at the spot between his shoes. They weren't very good shoes. "I'm sorry. I mean, um. I'm twenty-two in Hyuran years." He was Hyur, right? She didn't want to look at him again to confirm, but those seemed like Hyuran shoes.


We thought it might be the length, since splitting the message worked, but yours is much shorter, so length may not be it. But since splitting the text worked, it's probably not words, either, unless I got lucky and split the message in the right spot (I split it after the period before "I'm sorry(...)").


One solution we thought of was to use something that I used to in IM RP - follow the end of any post with ((done)), or whatever your equivalent of OOC is, so that if there isn't a post before it, we'll know it was skipped. If you're doing open world RP with strangers it may be a little trickier, though you can always party up to say done in party while this isn't solved.


I'll confirm it in the official forums, too.

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This happened to me last night, as well. The line was:



For some reason, she was told that often. 'Some reason' likely being the fact she was tiny, even by Miqo'te standards. She glanced up at him briefly, then back at the spot between his shoes. They weren't very good shoes. "I'm sorry. I mean, um. I'm twenty-two in Hyuran years." He was Hyur, right? She didn't want to look at him again to confirm, but those seemed like Hyuran shoes.


We thought it might be the length, since splitting the message worked, but yours is much shorter, so length may not be it. But since splitting the text worked, it's probably not words, either, unless I got lucky and split the message in the right spot (I split it after the period before "I'm sorry(...)").


One solution we thought of was to use something that I used to in IM RP - follow the end of any post with ((done)), or whatever your equivalent of OOC is, so that if there isn't a post before it, we'll know it was skipped. If you're doing open world RP with strangers it may be a little trickier, though you can always party up to say done in party while this isn't solved.


I'll confirm it in the official forums, too.


Also had this happen, we had to take all the RP to party; in fact it got so bad we couldn't see anyone's /s or  /em's at all. Only linkshell chat worked in the end.

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Also had this happen, we had to take all the RP to party; in fact it got so bad we couldn't see anyone's /s or  /em's at all. Only linkshell chat worked in the end.


The problems are just absurd. Being able to communicate is the single most important thing in an MMO, and the fact that chat isn't working properly—even if just for a matter of days—is really unbelievable to me. My continued faith in SE is conditional upon a quick resolution of these issues.

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Also had this happen, we had to take all the RP to party; in fact it got so bad we couldn't see anyone's /s or  /em's at all. Only linkshell chat worked in the end.


The problems are just absurd. Being able to communicate is the single most important thing in an MMO, and the fact that chat isn't working properly—even if just for a matter of days—is really unbelievable to me. My continued faith in SE is conditional upon a quick resolution of these issues.

Did you play 1.0?

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Not to bug everyone, but this is still occurring as of now and it's incredibly annoying. I experience about 5% loss of my longer posts and, as such, role-playing is quite painful for me and many others.


If any of you encounter this bug, please post the exact message on my bug report so that SE has more information to work with. It may also help draw more attention to the problem and enable a quicker resolution.

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  • 1 month later...

Still experiencing it unfortunately.


It's gotten so bad sometimes that I have to communicate that I've actually sent a message so people know I'm not just ignoring them. I'm glad to see it's other people having this issue as well, though. I searched around in Google and didn't find any real suggestions on how to fix it.

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It's a shame that this bug is still happening after so long. I signed up on the forums and tried to respond, but got this message: 


Aranya, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:


*Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?



*If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.


I'm not sure what causes that or why I can't post on the forums, unless there is a waiting period. But I at least upvoted the original post.

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Thought that I would add that I have had this problem frequently for the past few weeks. My fiance and I often RP with skype open in the background, so we can catch this thing pretty quickly. So far we have found that, it happens far more frequently to longer posts, although there is no definite cut off. Occasionally a very short emote will be dropped for no apparent reason.


Changing the emote into /say or /tell does not fix the problem.


Cutting it into two or more emotes works sometimes, probably about 90% if the emote is under a paragraph.


I have not tried swapping a single word, but I will certainly try it.


While it's very frustrating in one on one RP, I am most worried about random encounters. I have been ignored a few times, and I can never figure out if the person is busy or my text simply didn't show.

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As a para-RPer who has been the victim of such abuse, I have learned to cope with it by typing what I want out in Microsoft Word/Skype/whatever then copypasta two sentences at a time and plug them into the chat.


That seems the most effective to prevent the chat-bug to omnomnom my post. Furthermore, the way I have 'learned' so to speak is if my post exceeds 3 lines in the window, I know there is a good chance it has been dropped off.


I will post a screen shot for clarification if/when I have time since everyone has a different chat window box so therefore two lines to some equal four lines to others.

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I searched around in Google and didn't find any real suggestions on how to fix it.


The only way to fix it is to report the problem the next time you run into it. Include the exact text that was dropped, make it clear that it's 100% reproducible, state that it makes no difference who sends it or how it is sent (/party, /say, etc), and so on. If enough people report this issue and report it clearly and accurately, I'm sure it'll get fixed eventually.


Please don't neglect to report this bug just because I've already reported it! SE is swamped at the moment and prioritizes whatever has the most people clamoring for a fix. As bad as it is, lots of people filing related reports is probably the only way this issue will be resolved within the next month or two.

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It's a shame that this bug is still happening after so long. I signed up on the forums and tried to respond, but got this message: 


Aranya, you do not have permission to access this page.


The post is now in the "Accepted Bugs" forum and cannot be commented upon. I strongly urge you to use the bug reporting feature that's present in-game the next time you experience this issue.

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As a para-RPer who has been the victim of such abuse, I have learned to cope with it by typing what I want out in Microsoft Word/Skype/whatever then copypasta two sentences at a time and plug them into the chat.


Personally, I'd rather send one big block and then send a "(done)" or equivalent—our company uses "<3" for this purpose—than have to hope every part of a multi-part post went through. With how I do it, I can be 100% sure that everything's getting to the other end—even if it does mean that I occasionally need to break up posts (and send a "<3" after each part) if the other person tells me they didn't see anything.

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I've had this happen to me now as well, but I've also had it explained to me by one of the 1.0 Players that it's a built in function.  This is one of the ways they are trying to control RMT spam.


I'll be the first to say it doesn't seem effective but that would explain why this "feature" isn't receiving a resolution.


It really would be as simple as implementing something like in WoW and TOR where you just couldn't type anymore once you reached the cap though.  Rather than sitting in limbo hoping your RP group received your message.


Just to re-iterate this is what was told to me by another player.  I'm not actually sure if it's correct or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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