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Konoe's Sketchbook ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ <( Come say hi。♡ )


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[align=center]┌┤►STILL UNDER CONSTURCTION !![/align]


[align=center]( ´ ▽ ` )ノ <( いらしあいませ♡ )[/align]



[align=center]I do accept commissions, until I submit more detailed info just personally contact me if you are interested. [/align]

[align=center]Here's just some random stuff until I get more Final Fantasy pieces done. Can't Wait! 




[align=center]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



[align=center]TO DO LIST

1. Kayle

2. Amaare

3. Zethie


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



•••» PORTRAITS «•••












•••» FULL BODY «•••













•••» FULL PIECE «•••













•••» OTHER «•••













± TUMBLR ±[/align]

Sketch for and of Desmond Aryll. Thanks for being such a good guy, man! Kayle will be next. ;D



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UGUU you guys are way way way too nice to me. I really appreciate all the encouragement, it really means a lot to me. This is Sam Vimes btw, still not FF but DISCWORLD! 


I'm still pretty rusty but I hope I can submit better work for everyone soon. <3 <3 <3


Thanks so much for the inspiration, guys.

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Hhnngghh I absolutely ADORE your art style. And those corgies aaahhh..!!


You have officially earned a creeper stalker psychopath who might be interested in eating your brain umm fan. Yes.


Kidding aside, looking forward to seeing more of your works. :D

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A sketch of my Dominic Waters. Eorzea's finest cosmetics dealer. Come RPs with him hes so pretty <3





"Did the Bahamut catastrophe affect the faces of Eorzea? I can fix it!" - DW


"Does your skin wrinkle like Titan? Face red with blemishes like Ifrit? Crows feet under your eyes like garuda? Let me be your warrior of fashion!" - DW

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Hhnngghh I absolutely ADORE your art style. And those corgies aaahhh..!!


You have officially earned a creeper stalker psychopath who might be interested in eating your brain umm fan. Yes.


Kidding aside, looking forward to seeing more of your works. :D


I want all the creepers and stalkers I can get, I'm apparently a people person even if they're watching me sleep. 


Thank you for being so enthusiastic. <3 ;3;


These are fantastic! Love the use of color! Please post mooooore!


Thank you! Colour is something that I always feel like I'm struggling with so its nice to hear that you like. Also I've been seeing your posts around and your character is the /the cutest/ I love her.


I want 11 thousand corgi pictures please. :love:


(they are so cute, nice style)



Awesome, awesome work. Love the lines and emotion. :love::love::love:


Oh... and the corgi pix are adorable! much love for the fluffy puppies!


I dont know why I haven't done any shibas! They're all my little babies. uguuu. Corgis are cute too but nothing beats a shiba.

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  • 3 years later...

OPEN AGAIN! Sorry for the long absence but once again I am open for bzns. I'll have to update the pricing and references but for now it is fine as a general guideline. I also have Picarto now, any other artists or gamers that would like to stream with me also PM to talk about it.

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