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Ishgard ~


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So I was curious if there was more information on the Ishgard area and the houses somewhere that I may have missed? Sure I have the information that I've gathered from the current game and what the different wiki's say but I was curious if there was anything else to go off of. 


After having someone show up in my Free Company with one of the main houses last names it sparked my curiosity a bit. Before I had just gathered enough information to form a back story to a character but after looking a bit I can't seem to find much on the city or the houses. 


Maybe I'm just not good at searching for this information ^^;

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Pretty much past all of the possible spoiler bits in the story ^^; Just was curious if there was any other information that might be useful for someone with a character from that area or what not. Plus the lore behind that area thus far has been pretty entertaining.


Also I've looked through that thread, guess I missed that little bit there ^^ thanks for pointing it out.

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