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Miqo'te Wolf Tribe


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Just checking as to whether or not there were other Wolf tribe members out there?


Truth be told, I've only seen one, maybe two others in game. I'm not expecting to get a lot of response to this, but I figure it'd be nice to ask. Thanks for your time!

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Hazarding a guess here, I think Val means Miqo with the W' prefix.


As seen here


So far I've seen a handful about, and RPd with two of them. (The two being W'rexen Tia and W'rhel Kirrin).  Whether or not they're an active part of the tribe, I've no idea.  You'd have to ask them.


So you're (Maybe, probably) not alone out there!

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Imagine my surprise when I found this! I actually picked the wolf tribe for my Miquo'te BECAUSE it was rare. It allowed me to make up some lore to match with my character's background! Anyway, I wanted to post here to get everyone's opinion on this.


To save some time, I'll summarize my thoughts in bullet points here, but I'll link to my full text below.


  • My Character's name was Balthazar Lupo. His actual given name is W'Hirho Tia.
  • I situated the wolf tribe on the border of Gridania and Ala Mhigo. During the siege of Ala Mhigo the tribe was scattered across Eorzea and is slowly rebuilding in parts of Gridania and Thanalan.


Any thoughts on this?


If you're interested in what backstory I've written, feel free to visit this thread and read the story board or the main text. Also, I'm creating a little RP from this to record for later if you're interested in joining, feel free to shoot me a PM!

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