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Mysterious Dragoon looking for an RP Free Company


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Hello! I'm Neero (Obviously) and I'm looking for an RP Free Company that will have me or suit my character.


Neero Khamarrii is the quiet type, he's got a lot in his past to deal with and has been trained as a Dragoon his whole life. He only speaks when necessary and doesn't say much when he does.


His mother died during child birth and his father (Who trained him as a Dragoon) left his armour, Dragoon soul, and Spear to Neero when he went to fight a Dragon that has a lot of history in the Khamarrii family.


He's married, but no kids and doesn't get to see his wife often as they're both usually called away to help people in different parts of Eorzea.


There is a major plot twist in his story that not even his wife knows... Earn his trust, and you may find out what it is. :tonberry:

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Hello Neero,


Nice to see another Balmung resident. In case you are not familiar, you can find a list of Linkshells/Free Companies, under the "Linkshells" heading above us (next to the Wiki.)


A few key players you might want to take a look at have postings up there, and of course, if you attend one of the events on the approaching weekend you may be able to perform a meet and greet with a few people as well.


As an aside, I would suggest going to the Control Panel for your account and entering your character name and server, makes it a bit easier for the lurking people to quickly make note and message you in game or some such.


Sounds like you have a good idea of what direction you're heading in, looking forward to seeing you in Eorzea!

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It may help if you mention what he does/where he is currently living (or if he's nomadic). For instance, the LS I'm working on sponsors adventurers, mercenaries, crafters etc - but a rich sort may not have use for their sponsorship. So knowing what he does for a living would help figure out if he's a fit for it, or other LSes. c:

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I'm not sure if you're following the game lore, but a bit of advice if you are: dragoons who abandon the cause (the war against dragons)/leave Ishgard are branded heretics, and typically hunted down for execution. Ishgard is isolationist at this point and doesn't much care about the rest of Eorzea.


If he's still in good standing with his home country, you may want him to have special leave or some such to be wandering. If not, then please ignore me. c:

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No problem, it can take a while to get your feet under you with all the lore.


You can read a bit about it on the Wiki here:



If you like I can suggest a few different sources (not sure what your preferred media is, video or text)


Either way, feel free to keep throwing ideas out to be commented on.


Edit: I can't recommend http://xivwiki.com/Main_Page enough, while the data is still being fleshed out their organization and fact checking is superb.

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Sorry, I forgot to say I was new to RP on this game ._.


Dude, that's absolutely fine! You discover lore as you go, and just adjust your concept. Ishgard is a very strict country, but it's not a sin if you need to twist the lore's arm a bit. If your character has leave to travel (I imagine it'd be difficult to get leave, but screw that), he wouldn't be hunted down.


If you're still leveling, you should start doing quests near Ishgard after the Titan storyline. Chat with NPCs in Coerthas, it'll give you an idea what it's like there.

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Sorry, I forgot to say I was new to RP on this game ._.


Dude, that's absolutely fine! You discover lore as you go, and just adjust your concept. Ishgard is a very strict country, but it's not a sin if you need to twist the lore's arm a bit. If your character has leave to travel (I imagine it'd be difficult to get leave, but screw that), he wouldn't be hunted down.


If you're still leveling, you should start doing quests near Ishgard after the Titan storyline. Chat with NPCs in Coerthas, it'll give you an idea what it's like there.


To expand on Laments suggestion you could also take the approach that he has been ordered from the front lines due to some factor, Twelve knows many of the Ishgardians I met seemed to suffer from a PTSD of a kind (at least the older soldiers).


Or perhaps he, like was suggested, took an indeterminate period of time as "Leave" from what ever family or company he was with before in an effort to improve himself.


You could also play the "assumed dead". If I recall correctly there is a quest line that involves an individual who had been preforming escorts for merchants in Coerthas while he worked to become stronger and earn the right to fight in the front lines. You find out he died during combat with a somewhat unimpressive foe, the superior asks you to alter the truth, gives you the boys ring and enters his name on the list of a watch guard that was attacked by Dragons. You notify the father and he seems at a loss, but not as hard because he died "honorably" perhaps you could alter this to have been under a compassionate superior who has hidden your absence? This would provide a convenient way to introduce conflict down the line..


Just a few thoughts!

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Still can't find a FC... Or any RP. Do people not randomly RP in the open on this game?


A lot of people appear to RP in their Linkshells or FC chat, not on the regular chat so RPing can be hard to find. Not to mention there are many many "normal" players with "normal" linkshells also playing the game so sometimes you may find yourself looking for a specific tree in a forest. However, the people here will give you a hand! If not, you can always build your own RP group! People here are looking! You can find a little snippet of info on where RPers typically meet up though. Heres a link of typical meetups hotspots from a previous thread: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=5057&highlight=meet


You can also see people RPing when they are going from point A to point b by walking or not riding a chocobo when one clearly would. This usually indicates RP. Also look out for lots of emoting. Otherwise, its good to just check around here! I'm having a similar issue with you, but I am fairly discerning in my choices of RPing and I want to hit 50 before I really get into it. xD


Anyway, I'm going to try to build a new RP group with a new storyline and such, so if you'd like to help me build it let me know! Its part of my Chronicler's Project.


Here are some links on that project if you're interested:

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Hello again Neero,


Might I ask what time zone your based in? perhaps you play at an odd time that might limit your exposure?


The adventurers guild in Ul'dah had hardly a seat open yesterday evening (7pm EST to about 9), but that hardly helps you predicament. I'll be on this evening, if you have the opportunity send me a tell, or PM me here when your online and while I might have a duty of my own, I can try recommend a place or two.


I will say that I know a mixture of people, some who like the wide avenues and more populated areas, but there are others who like to spend time out of the way. In most cases it helps to simply send them a /tell and ask. While I know this may not always seem the most appropriate action I think a lot of people get wrapped up deeply in an ongoing event and it can take a bit to make them raise their heads from their books. I am certainly included in this, too focused on small tasks for my own good. Just food for thought.


Things might seem a bit disheartening but with time and a bit of effort i'm sure you'll do fine.


Edit:: I realized some of this might sound dismissive, thats not my intent, I do genuinely hope to provide a few places where you might encounter a person or two along your lines.

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The Grindstone hosts two weekly open world RP tournaments in Soot Creek bridge just outside of Ul'dah at Wed/Sat 10 PM EST. There are usually quite a few people hanging out there.


Otherwise, there's frequent open RP in taverns (most notably the Quicksand and Coffer & Coffin in Ul'dah, seen it in Limsa and Gridania too).


I don't really have any FC recs (at the moment, I don't have one), but I am putting together a fairly non-restrictive RP LS with an IC premise that can be summarized as "get sponsored, do mercenary work in exchange". Basically they can pay for your travel expenses and such (good if your character is seeking to do good for no pay) and in exchange you do jobs for them, like hunt monsters, collect pelts, what have you. I'm hoping to have scheduled IC stuff starting on the 26th, but until then we've been doing some random RP with each other, unrelated to the IC premise.


Here's the LS hall entry, if you're curious.

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I'm taking all of this in, no worries, I don't find any of it dismissive. I guess the fact that my timezone is GMT doesn't help. I frequently look in the populated RP areas but I guess I look when you're all asleep. I'm pretty much online all the time so anyone can contact me in game. You can see my character name, I think...


Anyway, I really think people are too shy to RP publicly on this game :P I hope I don't upset anyone, but on other MMOs you'd always see RP no matter what time it is, I can hardly find any on here.


Obviously I'm hoping you guys can help me. Sorry if I'm coming across as pushy or needy or anything negative. But I always saw the RP potential on this game to be immense and I hope it really takes off soon :)

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No pushiness felt on my part, i'm just making an effort to be a little more self aware.


I would recommend touching base with "Europa" (FC/Linkshell) while they might not be a long term fit, but their time would seem to jive better with yours and perhaps they can provide an introduction to some key players.


As always, feel free to attend the approaching events listed on the calendar, they'll be running for quite some time and likely have people from various walks of life, both in game an out.


Shyness can be a part of it, I think there's a great amount of effort spent in trying to balance public image with what non-rpers might criticize, which is an interesting dance to observe, if nothing else.

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I'll look into this Europia and some events coming up. If you see me around do feel free to say "Hi"


And if more RP happens in public and people critisize it then don't we keep the moral high ground? It's just a matter of ignore and/or blacklist :) It's the weekend... Maybe we should get some all-day RP going? ;)

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