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Greetings (Gilgamesh)


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Greetings one and all! Prosopeio here, player of Kiroro Manaro, a Dunesfolk Lalafell of few words and great interest in the Aetheric Flow. Hoping to make friends in Gilgamesh with those willing to RP ^^ After all, MMOs like this are much more enjoyable when one is able to play a role.

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Hello, and welcome!


Great to see you jump in, feel free to take a look at the forums, the wiki, the linkshell hall. There's plenty here to utilize to meet people who'll be along your lines in terms of RP. Also, make sure to take a look at the Calendar for any events that might be happening on Gilgamesh when you're free, some of them require invites, some of them are just walk up, and chances are all of them will be enjoyable!


Make sure to ask any questions you might have, Rock who posted before me is quite the wealth of knowledge and i'll do my best to answer any questions you have.


Best of luck in Eorzea!

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