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RP Request: Monk Sensei


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Yloise is looking to learn a combat art in character.


Right now she is level 32, but because of her situation, she is only a Goldsmith at this time. She has no combat skills. I would like a teacher type to teach Yloise the art of the Monk. I would like keep this training in secret for now, because she does not want it known that she is learning to become an adventurer. She wants it as a surprise.


If you have a character in that role, please look me up in game, or reply here.

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I'm not the most active roleplayer these days. Endgame has taken priority for me as far as how I spend my time in-game, but I'd love to have something like this going if it were semi-casual. Can send me a PM if you'd like to discuss things further.


Far as it goes, my character is a master of the Coeurlfist, so I'd like to think he'd fit the bill.

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Two of my characters (brother and sister) are both monks raised as Fists of Rhaglr but have not taken students ever. There would be an interesting IC angle (for either of the characters) for their motivation to teach so win-win.


Alex = working on not being such a conundrum (long story)

Grace = Working on coping the pre-Carteneau things that happened as well as losing five years.


If you're interested, PM me here or somesuch.

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