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The Masterwork Company (Inactive)


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[align=center]The man who studies all is a master of none.[/align]


For many years there existed a secretive mercenary corps that, over the course of its lifespan, operated in varying degrees of infamy. The group exercised one belief within its ranks; survival of the fittest. Green adventurers looking for some quick gil and those who didn't know their way around the world were quickly forgotten by the ages. Over time the lowly group of sell-swords had evolved into a notoriously skilled and morally grey group that offered only the best for the highest prices.


The calamity caused their demand to dwindle to near nothingness and the group had disbanded. Their ideal was not lost with this action, and soon it would be given new purpose by one of the surviving members.


Now bearing the name, "The Masterwork Company," this ideal has been tempered into something much more positive. What is the world without those who have dedicated themselves to a single discipline, toiling long hours to achieve near perfection in their life's pursuit?


Be it blade or hammer, tome or needle, The Masterwork company seeks only the absolute finest and those willing to learn from such experienced as to keep their well practiced and personalized techniques alive and well.

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