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This is a Graive...situation.

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[align=justify]This is for Gilgamesh players! Unless you're on Balmung and have an alt! :3


I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit with my girl here, Graive. She has a rather complex story background and an even more complex attitude/personality. I like to give those I RP with a challenge and make it so the experience is focused on progressing and building rather than casual conversation constantly and well...ERP. ( Not that it is bad with a wonderful storyline. )


Either way, I like mystery, romance, betrayal, etc. All those wonderful things. Graive is well...as her name implies, rather morbid ( Her mother had a bad sense of humor ). She is completely stoic and only pretends to have emotions to blend in, though despite her best efforts - seems she is mostly just awkward about it. She has really no morals and will use anyone as she sees fit if it works to her advantage. I suppose you could consider her evil, but Graive really has no inkling as to what 'evil' really is.


I would divulge more information, but that would give away all the fun facts you can learn in-character! Also, Graive does have a side business that resolves around alchemy and making illegal things, so if you're in need of something like that, hit me up.


I'd like for Graive to have more enemies than friends, honestly. She isn't a social butterfly and it wouldn't make much sense for her to be considering her personality. I'm not opposed to some getting past her walls and gaining her trust, but it isn't an easy feat. I'm also looking for some possible bodyguards for her!


SO, anyone interested? Not really sure how to do this, ha![/align]

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She has really no morals and will use anyone as she sees fit if it works to her advantage. I suppose you could consider her evil, but Graive really has no inkling as to what 'evil' really is.



I wanted to say I like this bit.  Just look at various cultures in the real world and how practices of one may seem "evil" to another, but to them it is simply a part of their life.  It is definitely an interesting take on morality compared to explicitly trying to be one side or the other.


A friend of mine used to play a somewhat similar character and it was very interesting to watch her develop over time.  It also amused me because somehow my character and hers actually became close friends (one of the few people her character trusted), but it was still a foreign concept to her character (such as her struggling to express that she liked my character as a friend by saying "I don't wish to harm you quite as much as I want to harm everyone else", clearly uncomfortable with the whole act of sentiment).


I hope you find some good contacts because I'd love to see how this character develops.

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[align=justify]She has really no morals and will use anyone as she sees fit if it works to her advantage. I suppose you could consider her evil, but Graive really has no inkling as to what 'evil' really is.


Also, Graive does have a side business that resolves around alchemy and making illegal things, so if you're in need of something like that, hit me up.[/align]



I agree with what Freemoon said, this part is quite intriguing. In terms of D&D alignment, that could go under any 'branch' of Neutral (Chaotic, Lawful, "True") by the way your character seems.


The party with alchemy and illegal goodies too! Gah, I would definitely hit you up, but unfortunately I am on Balmung. Any case, I hope you find what you seek on Gilgamesh!

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