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Halloween Party/Games/Adventures!

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Hey everyone!


So Halloween is just a few days away! WOOOOO! I know this is a pretty late thread to start too since October is nearly done, but :P


Of course going to haunted theme parks are a must, but a group of friends and I always try to look for any large abandoned buildings/'haunted' areas we like to investigate. Stupid and a little immature? Probably. Fun as Hell? You bet your sweet ass!


However, my favorite part is playing 'Werewolf' at Halloween parties! It requires at LEAST 8 people, though I've ran a 6-player game. Though admittedly, whenever I attend large parties, my friends usually have me run this game regardless of the season/event xD 


If anyone is going to a Halloween party or ANY party with a lot of people, PLAY WEREWOLF (aka MAFIA)! The game is literally based on how well you can lie, deceive, and bullshit your friends to victory! All you need is a deck of playing cards too! I can explain it in further detail because I LOVE THIS GAME xD


I've even 'hosted' it once in another MMO, though obviously it was quite different/difficult to do since you obviously can't 'read' people over the interwebs. 


Anyway! Was just curious as to what everyone does during the month of or on Halloween Day/Night!

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