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Explosions of Awesome happen as I greet you ALL!

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Hello all,


How are we all today? Good? Gooooooooooooood! Okay so a Bit about me, I'm a well natured guy, a bit on the silly side at times (But hey what can I say I like to try to make people laugh.) 



I tend to looks for RP that can get serious but has it's place for a few laughs (Best most recent example I'll use from movies, are The Avengers or Thor The Dark World, had tons of serious elements but had room for a few pieces of comedic gold.)



I am playing on the Balmung server, if you see me running about please feel free to strike up a conversation with me, In or Out of Character (if out please contain to Whispers as to not break peoples immersion.)



Okay on to the bullet points template!!! Yaaaaaaaaay!



--MMORPG background - O.o Oh jeebus more than I really want to admit, It all started in the year of nineteen hundred and nintey eight. It's been a wild ride, and I've visited many many worlds.



--RP experience - I've been table top RPing since I was 12 (I'm now in my 30's o_O; I know right I hate it too.) and I've been MMO RPing since I was 18 on and off, depending on my end game dedication to a game.


--Character ideas/info - I enjoy playing the trickster, Not an evil one mind you but the characters that tell lies constantly and never really reveal to much about themselves. Best Good guy comparison I can think of is The Doctor.While I have zero interest in RPing a time lord I do like the role of the friendly hero that will tell white lies about himself and his surroundings, another comparison I can think of is Loki.(I'm talking about the Saga's people not the comic book character, while he is pretty terrific too.)


--How did you learn about the coalition? - My Google-Fu was strong.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? - Adaptable, I can easily shift between Light to heavy depending on the people around me.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc) - I'm a huge lover of mythology, Comic books ( as I consider comic books to be modern mythology.) I actually work with Comic Books in both of my jobs, by day I make sure people get their fix of weekly comics in a Comic shop, by Night I let my mighty pencil unleash justice onto foul evil doers. (I'm actually currently working on a comic book but I can't say anymore about it until it is released early next year -2014)



So that's me! Hello again!

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I'm just glad........




that you're not another Miqo'te





Yeah, I know, I'm a Miqo'te, but there are WAAAAAY too many of us!


Welcome to the board. I wonder why it took so long for anyone to respond to your post? Sorry about that. The community here is actually quite nice.


If you ever see my character in the game, don't hesitate to RP with me. Just ignore the dark storm cloud that lingers over his head. He's fine.....

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Heya and welcome to the server! I started RPing about the same time you did, back in 98 =) We may have even RPed in the same places!


That being said, if you ever wish to RP, feel free to add me or drop me a line on here and I'd be more than happy to!

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