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Regarding Balmung's Economy


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Hey, I am currently in Gilgamesh and my friends have agreed that they will move to Balmung with me if we can get some idea for the economy in the server. So if anyone is out there, please let me know the status of  Balmung's economy through market board and progression please. 


I'll need to know the price for Allagan Philosophy per mat, currently highest Coil progression, most dungeon that is being farmed, and relic weapon quest's materia prices, and last the Titan HM prices. 


Thank you.

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Oddly specific, but okay. The Philo mats generally sit at about 40,000 gil. Maybe a little more depending n the day. I'm sure one group has already beaten turn 5, but I know for a fact that most groups are through turn 4. Dungeons being farmed are usually Wanderer's Palace and Amdapor Keep. Relic Materia is anywhere from 15,000-35,000 depending upon materia. By "Titan Prices", I have to assume you mean being carried through Titan. Well, Blacklisted (and a few other groups) do it for free. So, yeah. Hope this helped.

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Oddly specific, but okay. The Philo mats generally sit at about 40,000 gil. Maybe a little more depending n the day. I'm sure one group has already beaten turn 5, but I know for a fact that most groups are through turn 4. Dungeons being farmed are usually Wanderer's Palace and Amdapor Keep. Relic Materia is anywhere from 15,000-35,000 depending upon materia. By "Titan Prices", I have to assume you mean being carried through Titan. Well, Blacklisted (and a few other groups) do it for free. So, yeah. Hope this helped.


Those who are selling it, which I imagine is just one guild since its always the same price is 500k for titan.

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Well everything else was pretty much answered already so won't mention that, but Titan HM depending on which FC boosts goes for: 500k, 350k, 250k. The lowest one also offering 50k back if you don't die through the fight. As mentioned Blacklisted do it for free, but they apparently get ~70 requests for each kill, so you'd need some luck to get into those.

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Well everything else was pretty much answered already so won't mention that, but Titan HM depending on which FC boosts goes for: 500k, 350k, 250k. The lowest one also offering 50k back if you don't die through the fight. As mentioned Blacklisted do it for free, but they apparently get ~70 requests for each kill, so you'd need some luck to get into those.


Not as much as you might imagine. I know a few guys in Blacklisted (and have watched their stream when I was trying to learn the fight), and they give a lot of free runs out to their streamers. So, just find out when their titan event is and watch the stream. Then it just comes down to how fast you can send one guy a tell.

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