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Been lurking for a while - only just created an account a few days ago - and it's probably time for me to introduce myself.  So, hello everyone!


Although I have dreadful altoholic tendencies, I currently only have one toon, and she is on Gilgamesh (Balmung was closed when I signed up, and a few of my real life friends are on Gilgamesh because of this, so I'm here to stay!).


A little about me, I've gamed for about a decade now, but I've only started RPing in the last three years or so.  I'm an ex-elitest PvP/PvE-er... so forgive me if I get on my high horse every now and then.  I don't mean to do it, I swear!


I'm in character 90% of the time I'm online, even if I'm not actively RPing.  I'd love to meet y'all in-game!

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Hello and Welcome to the RPC Edalyne,


Any particular games you jumped over from? I (like to) think that i'm in the last stages of shaking off my obsession with PVE tuning, but anyways, I hope you've already had the chance to see a lot of content with your friends on Gilgamesh.


The RPC has a number of resources that you can use to help you along your way, the welcome post (here: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/misc.php?page=welcome ) outlines the major ones as well as giving you a bit of info about the RPC itself.


But maybe you just want to jump right in, in that case i'd suggest you take a look at getting in contact with some members of the Coalition OOC linkshell (Featured here: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=3116 ). I'll assume you're fairly familiar with the system of linkshells themselves and just say that this group will hopefully help you get to know a few of the people you see out in the wide world and update you on any events that may be ongoing.


Aside from that feel free to drop into the forums! chances are there's already an ongoing conversation about something you're already interested in, and if not you can start one!


Best of luck in your journey across Eorzea.

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Thanks, Kheni'to and Olofantur!


I actually am already in the Coalition OOC linkshell, it's just never very talkative.  I might not be on during prime times, though.  My friends and I haven't gotten through much content yet, with real life and my constant wandering off to do crafting and gathering.  It's just too addicting.


The most recent game I jumped over from I think would be... either Neverwinter or TOR.  I've been dabbling in free to play games because I just recently had a baby, so I didn't want to spend money on anything until my schedule went back to normal.  In total, I've played Warcraft since Vanilla, SW:TOR and Neverwinter since beta, a little bit of Rift when it went free to play, and TERA during both pay to play and free to play.  Warcraft has my most playtime, though.

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Haha yeah, I like to wander about doing some fishing and harvesting. It pays off though! I don't think i've ever been on without my food buff.


TOR was... interesting, and RIFT had some interesting ideas, but I think they hampered themselves with poor execution in some places. Either way, good to hear that you've found your way into the Coalition, and that you've got some friends to bum around with.

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