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Request to Admins of the forum

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Greetings !


I have a request, that I think you will agree makes much sense. I have spent time wandering the Gilgamesh directory, in search of roleplayers that I could contact, or to just get inspired about who I may encounter on the world of Gilgamesh.


MOST characters whom I have read the description are actualy NOT on Gilgamesh but on the Balmung server, and they specify that at the end of their post. That is quite frustrating, just a little but still, I think this should adressed.


Could you please have an update on that and transfer the threads to the correct location ?


A good idea, I think, would be to post a sticky expressing the common sense imperative to people writting there, that should they transfer their characters, they should advise the amdinistrators so that their posts can be transfered.


Does this make sense at all ?


Thank you for the consideration to my request !


I hope this sounds like a good thing to do !


See you in the world maybe !



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[align=left]Brave(Bravaden) Wardain


[align=left]AneliaSadowyn (Aldotsk)












[align=left]TheBeetle & Co







Those are in the Gilgamesh directory but are exclusively on the Balmung server.


Just to be clearer than clear, some were on both servers or unspecified servers, But obviously I kept them out of this list. So those listed here are exclusively on the Balmung server but appear on the Gilgamesh directory.


Voila !



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