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Starting characters are just that: starting characters.

It's sad for those of you who want to RP the big veterans and heroes, but all you have to do is take a step back, and take the first few levels as your character's beginning.

This, to me, is also part of respecting the lore.

Nobody starts as The Guy who's Gonna Save The World.

We all start as a fresh adventurer in a world FULL of adventurers, some of them pretty bad-ass, but most being nubcakes. That certainly justify the NPC's attitude toward "yet another adventurer" and it also justifies the number of player characters in the world. Among all the mmorpg's I played, FF XIV is among those who most believably introduce new characters into the world, with consideration given to the number of characters running around.

The worse I played had to be AoC.

I'm split about Fallen Earth... they get you to be THE clone who blew up the Dam, which is stupid since everyone goes through that... but afterwards, you're a clone among many, which makes immersion pretty easy. It's like they went from the worse to the best in 15 minutes of play.


As for the recent computers running the game on medium setting at best and it being ugly... what?

I run it on medium and it's absolutely gorgeous. Better than any mmo I've seen. We must not have the same perception of beauty. More important than opinions however is the fact that SE created a Next Generation game and in that, they most certainly have been successful.


Either way, A positive review was asked for, I gave one.

Why bring it down?

Like we needed more whining. >.>

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Like we needed more whining. >.>


If you want a "Nice" version of this game' date=' wait about six months to eight. Then maybe come back again. I'm sorry if I sound sorta ill tempered, but for crying out loud, people need to learn some patience![/quote']


I don't see the point in getting hostile towards those who are giving the game negative reviews. It's hardly whining and its hardly a matter of patience. Half of us can't even get INTO the beta in order to review it, others have legitimet CONSTRUCTIVE critisism of the game. And those who have nothing but bad to say? Well they'll move onto another game in no time I'm sure.


The dev's WANT both positive and negative feedback. If it wasn't for this "whining" nothing would ever get fixed. That is what Beta phase is for.


Me, I'm just dissapointed with the Beta download process. Even if they DID give us fair warning that this would be slow and tedious. I believe they've had at least a decade to perfect this simple process of downloading and uploading the files. The fact that it is redicliously unfunctional and slow is not whining, its not inpatience, its just truth.


Just saying, a little patience when dealing with those of us who are not as "thrilled" as the rest is whats called for I think.

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Just saying' date=' a little patience when dealing with those of us who are not as "thrilled" as the rest is whats called for I think.[/quote']


Ehh.. its just called listening to it nearly 24/7. So sorry for getting into an uproar, but I don't exactly get much escape from it, since a good buddy of mine is complaining, some dudes I rp with on the MUSHes are complaining, and it seems most general are.. well.. complaining.


Anyhow, sorry to ruffle feathers, I'll just ignore the thread so I can pretend all is good with the world.


Again, I am sorry.

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I'm simply sick of the complaints and no, they are not always constructive.

Some are, perhaps more of them on the RPC forums than in other places, but I simply don't see it as constructive when it's performance-related and we all knew beforehand that the game would be very demanding.


While I do feel some regret in that my tone might be perceived as aggressive, I feel the same aggression coming from people who seem to expel their frustrations through negative criticism so I can't honestly say I'm sorry for taking the same tone. What my honesty allows me to do however is apologizing for said tone making my posts not so enjoyable to read. So, I'm sorry. I hope however that people would realize that incessant whining is also very much not enjoyable to read.


And please don't give me the "you don't have to read it" argument, because I do have to read it in order to realize what it's about. Of course the thread title might have given a hint, but do impressions have to be negative? No, they do not. In fact I'm happy to have seen a lot of positive comments on the RPC forums in general, but when the negativity trickles in, it makes me want to scream. Really, if it is bad enough that you only have negative comments, don't play it. I stopped playing WoW for that reason. Loved it for a while, then I realized I had more negative stuff than positive stuff to say about it, so I quit.

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Having played('tested' :P) for a considerable amount of time now, this is what I have to say about FFXIV:


I love it.


Truly. It's more or less everything I had wanted it to be. Sure, there's still some stuff that needs ironing out, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were still a few bugs and adjustments to be made after launch. But I suppose I've been fortunate; my system (admittedly a brand new machine bought for this game) runs FFXIV perfectly. I've only had a rare few crashes. My lag is negligible.


Playing in Closed Beta phases 2 and 3 were mildly enjoyable, but also very frustrating. I feel that SE has done a great job in listening to the community's feedback, and implementing changes and fixes. Open beta is great. (And far too addictive!)


The graphics are stunning. The battle system is fun and engaging. Gathering and crafting have just the right balance of difficulty and reward. The environment and story is amazing, and so immersive.


I support the levelling fatigue. I see SE's logic, and I think it makes sense. Because really, the only people complaining about having nothing to do are those who are only levelling one type of class. Because I mine, synth, and do battleleves, I'm never left without stuff to do. The guildleve limits don't even bother me, because I have local(crafting) leves that I do every day. And when we're all in game and there's a thriving RP environment, there will rarely be a dull moment.


But all of that doesn't rival FFXIV's true strength: its potential. The game is great now. Sure. But in a year's time? Two years? It's going to be breathtaking.

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I have to admit, the learning curve is vastly different from the majority of MMORPGs, which is unfortunate as it may be a turn off to many people. Interfaces shouldn't be the challenge. With the keys (at least last time I checked) could not be rebound in the Configuration. Thankfully I did have a gamepad available which has made the game drastically more enjoyable than keyboard and mouse, as this game definitely has the feel that it was designed for a gamepad.


Hopefully a lot of things we're enduring interface wise will get better with time.


I'm glad I got to see the early open beta with the patching, crashing, lagging, and what not, because it really makes me appreciate the stability the game has shown in the last two days.


I'm pretty excited about the game and seeing it in a more stable state has only made me glad I reserved the collector's edition X weeks ago. I'm sorta sitting the rest of the beta out as to not spoil the feeling and excitement I have for the game (plus get some non-FFXIV things done so that I can do more FFXIV things when its commercial time).

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I'm still trying to decide! I don't want to play it because I don't get 'that feeling' but on the other hand I do want to play it because it's one awesome community and the game looks gorgeous! If only we could do some more customizationthingies with our character's bodies, or actual male miqo'te, that would be awesome! I know, I know, it's still Beta :P But still! ... *pouts* I have a point, right? I do! I think..


*walks away with his head held low*


I'll decide later :3 .. Just not sure now.

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I didn't read all the posts but I'm super excited about this game. I played FFXI for about 5 years and can see me playing this game just as long if not longer. Every time I see screenshots people post of the game it just blows my mind, it looks so amazing. This game is going to be really good.


It will be even better if they release a Samurai class which was my favorite in FFXI :cheer:

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The only real issue I have with this game is the lag. My system is a beast of a computer and would have a field day running this game. Its the server lag that I'm getting. Other than that the only thing I can complain about is the random crashing but hey, every MMO has had random client crashes during beta and the first few months of release.


Also the Japanese love challenging games I mean come on. Look at Demon's Souls. That game is nuts! Super Hard and frustrating at times but super awesome when you are kicking butt.


Overall I'm sticking with it because this game has potential. :moogle:

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Server lag is an issue with me as well being located in Aus. I managed with Aions stupid server location by finding a proxy service for it and that worked wonders. Personally hoping someone'll do something similar with FFXIV. Especially since I'll be making a caster and lag annoys me to no end with that..

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I enjoy the game enough that I reserved the CE after work today, so I'll be in it for awhile. I would like more mobs to hunt outside of leves, and would like to see the leve cool downs shortened, even to 24 hours rather than 48 would be fine. I don't really mind the fatigue system either, someone made a great post about it on Core that convinced me, however I would probably have increased the amount of time per class to something like twenty hours a week before you hit 0% gains.


Though, I have yet to get into crafting, and have only done a little gathering in botany, I may try mining instead, or just pick up both so that while I'm looking for things to kill, I can swap to a gathering tool and collect stuff. Crafting looks like it might be fun, and its always been dragged out boring grind that has kept me from it in most games (really, I think the last time I really enjoyed crafting was in Asheron's Call) and this doesn't look like that, so I'll give it a whirl. One thing I absolutely LOVE about crafting though, is that with all the classes of it, a player has the option to focus entirely on production it would seem, and while that isn't my way, I think its fantastic that its an option.


More character customization as someone mentioned above would be nice, just a few simple things for the body, it doesn't have to be Aion or APB extensive, just a little more than what it is.


Oh, and come retail, I dearly hope I can buy upgrades to my equipment >_< I'm rather slow to make friends admittedly, so I never know who to go to for crafting.

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Oh' date=' and come retail, I dearly hope I can buy upgrades to my equipment >_< I'm rather slow to make friends admittedly, so I never know who to go to for crafting.[/quote']


You could always commission a member of the Silver Anvil! We intend to be your one-stop shop for any and all crafting needs. Of course, we've yet to have an applicant who intends to specialize in weaving... Any takers? Ah? Ahhh?



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Aw, haha, I wish I were better prepared to meet your needs, but the members of the Silver Anvil haven't been playing in the beta much... I've mostly been using it to scout out the locations of the NPCs that give out supplies for local levequests :x


Umm, that said, Nikolai is currently a level 3 blacksmith, 6 carpenter, and 6 alchemist. So um... if you need anything made of wood, I could realistically level carpentry up a bit more and see about helping you, or if you need a weapon repaired, I could level either blacksmithing or alchemy a bit more and help you with that, too. Go ahead and PM me with whatever you might need. If I can't help you personally, I could probably at least direct you to someone who can.

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My two cents....I apologize in advance, for the lengthy post.xD!




The graphics and scenery are absolutelly stunning. I love how much detail they put into everything, the smallest details placed in things that other developers have omitted from their games.


The character customization is great. The chances of running into a perfect clone of yourself are slime to none.


I'm enjoying the crafting and gathering mechanics, it seemed that they made a point to make those classes as enjoyable as the combat classes and refreshingly interactive.


The combat system is decent. I think it has a strong foundation, but it's still a bit quirky. I believe that most of the awkwardness come from the minor bug twinges still left in the system(Like the amount of time it takes your character to actually execute an action after a command is given, etc) and I think those will be worked out before launch.


However, there are some issues that I have, that are leaving me on the fence, as of right now. And yes, I am full aware that "this is the beta".


Game Mechanic Cons


As fun as the crafting professions are, it's annoying that there is no way, in-game, to tell what recipes you have learned and what reagents are required to make said recipes. For a Next Gen game, I don't feel we should have to resort to pencil and paper to keep track of such a basic feature.


The UI is very cumbersome, as there are entirely too many menus. When a UI requires that you have to access a menu to stand up from a sitting position, something is out of place. To switch a class, you have to navigate through an unorganizable list of possibly 80 different items, to find the tool or weapon you want, as well as the various armor pieces that go along with it. Then, you have to navigate to another menu and re-configure your action bar, because it resets it to the basic starting configuration with every class switch. Also, I am full aware of how to make macros to perform this feature, but I feel that we should not have to be forced to resort to macros for functionality of basic core game mechanics. There is not a single action that you can take, outside of movement and combat, that you are not forced to navigate through -at least- two seperate menus although, the majority call for between three and five seperate menus.


As mentioned above, the Inventory needs to be more streamline. As it stands now, it is nothing more than a list that is in no order at all, alphabetical or otherwise. I also feel that they need to provide some means of extra space, either by crafting new bags or paying Gil for more space. You only have 80 spaces alloted to your person, and an extra 80 alloted for your retainer(that you have to travel back to a main city to access). With the various class tools and weapons, you will -easily- use up fourty of that(This number is based on the amount of tools and weapons that I currently possess to effectively test every class). With as much emphasis that they are placing on exploring all the available classes, I would like to see more inventory space to properly accomodate that and all-around a more organized inventory interface.


There seems to be a drastic lack of content. Having completed all my alloted Guildleves(both Regional and Local) for this period, I am no left with nothing to do, outside of mindless class grinding, which only goes so far before becoming utterly monotonous. I feel that they need to add more storied quest chains(One quest every 10 levels is entirely too little for a "story driven" MMO) to hold up while you wait for the Guildleves to come off their cooldown. As the game stands now, there needs to be alot more "filler" to occupy time in between Guildleve runs.


I understand that "the game was designed for a gamepad", but they need to allow more optimization for PC, unless they intend to include a gamepad with every game purchase. In this context, I am speaking in terms of movement, as opposed to UI issues that I mentioned above. I find it extremely odd that the camera does not automatically follow your character. Which, may not seem all that bad when you're running through the city...But, try this, while being attacked by two mobs....Run, attack, and rotate your camera(with a standard keyboard). Even using the IJKL camera keys, this task is more difficult to accomplish than it should be.


Quest givers need to have -something- that distinguished them from other NPCs. No, I'm not saying slap a giant Exlclaimation mark on their head. Maybe a aura glow around them or something, or perhaps an NPC emote that places when you pass them(i.e. "NPC beckons you into the alley"). I'm all for exploring the environment and I'm a big fan of trying to find all the nook and craneys of a world, but let's face it, talking to every NPC in Limsa Lominsa to find a quest that may or may not be there is less than enjoyable.


The Chat System could use some more work. I am sure that I am not the only one that will periodically have several conversation occuring in /tell, while RPing in /say. This would be a nightmare to achieve with their current chat set up.



RP Cons


A talking emote. With as much detail that they put into the working emote list, I was a bit surprised that they didn't have a basic talk emote play when you say something in /say.


I found it odd that we are able to sit on some benches, and even certain walls, but we could not sit in a basic chair.


The ability to fall off cliffs would add to the realism. Invisible walls that are magically erected around every cliff and gulch, albeit for the sake of safety, just seems to slightly take away from the immersion. Let me fall off a cliff and break my leg once! I promise I won't do it again...>.>


The ability to swim, again I think that erecting a giant invisi-wall around every water course in the land detracts from the immersion.


I would like to see them add a jump button, rather than our character be forever glued to the terrain.


I know the last few were very trivial, and things that I would personally like to see incorporated for added flavor. =D


As it stands now, I'm on the fence. The Mechanic issues that I have are admittedly minor in their own right, but collectively they are a huge drag. For me anyway. I honestly hope they fix at least -some- of the mentioned issues before release, because I still maintain high hopes for this game.

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I for one am glad we are unable to jump.

Coming from WoW, I've seen enough perma-jump idiots for a lifetime :frustrated:

But what will I do whenI'm bored waiting for a group?! :bounce:


If you're Lalafell? Run around like Cleveland Brown, Jr.?

I'm Hyur, so I guess all I can do is stand around and look pretty.

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