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Orumloix Pahjin

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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters: Orumloix Pahjin, Rhys Oathkeeper, Pascal Renalde, Gil Grey, Selahdis Gharl
  • Primary Character: Gil Grey
  • Linkshells: None yet 
  • Primary RP linkshell: None yet

II. RP Style 


Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

Heavy but I’m perfectly happy to communicate OOC in linkshell etc to arrange things and the like. Sometimes planning is good but most days I just lurk in a location and see where things go. However, it should be mentioned that I don't do much 'tavern rp'. 



Views on RP combat and injuries:

I’m completely open to sustaining injuries IC. Punches, cuts, scrapes etc don’t really require clarification. I expect others to follow general courtesy and not force actions onto my characters without giving me the opportunity to react but I’m more than happy to have them take a beating when the occasion arises and I'll certainly do the same. If it starts to lean toward serious/long term injuries that will have a lasting impression upon my characters, ask first. I avoid dice rolling and other such methods because I feel it discounts the skills of the individual characters in favor of luck. Also because I rp to...well rp. Not gamble.


Views on IC romance:

I have nothing against romance IC, though I am not apt to do such unless I have some measure of faith in the other party since it can require a lot of communication. That said, while I appreciate that sort of connection and how it can help develop a character, I keep any explicit content outside of all chat and in the realm of 'offscreen'. Long story short I enjoy substance, not gratuitous erotic content for the sake of having it.  


Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

There are large numbers of possibilities for acquaintances, enemies, and other connections in most of my characters pasts. I believe a wide array of contacts adds flavor and I love making connections across wide ranges. 


Views on lore:

Accidents happen and sometimes there are things left up for grabs to the community but blatant lore breaking rubs me the wrong way. While I respect everyone’s right to play however is most enjoyable for them, do not be offended if polite turn away from rp that would pull my characters into lore breaking territory.


Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

Linkshells are OOC for me unless otherwise specified. As is party chat. /say and emotes are for IC words and actions. 


III. Other Info 

Country: UnitedStates

Timezone: PST (GMT-8)

Contact info: Contact me in game on any of the listed characters but here is best.

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  • 6 months later...

Updated both Wiki and this post to reflect new characters etc. As a bonus, I'm gonna store some doodles of IC things here. I'mma try to keep up with this better and perhaps update his wiki with current events/undertakings. Maybe. I'd start a journal but...Orum isn't much of diary keeper.



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