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Lansquenet - Yes, Another Housing Aution


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Being the terrible crime family that we are, the lovely folk at Lansquenet have decided that you roleplaying types have far too much gil in those pockets and far too many good ideas that need ripping off. And we're here to kill two birds with one stone. Figuratively, of course. The boss has strong feelings on actual bird killing.


He says stones aren't efficient enough, for a start.


But just because we're stealing someone else's idea doesn't mean we aren't doing out own thing! Well. I mean I suppose it does mean exactly that. But we do have a few tricks up our sleeves! For a start, there are two THREE of us! Both myself and the excellent ansemaru as well as latecomer belderiver will be arting for you! What's more- well, I'll get to that shortly.


All money raised will be going toward guild housing - ICly, toward buying land for a pleasant little establishment called the Drum and Dagger. Because with all this primal business, Empire business and the rising prices of wool, Eorzea is very, very much in need of yet more places to drink. 



'Shut the hell up and show us the goods, you insufferable windbag', I hear you say! Well, look no further! Here are some amazing samples of the artimabobs you will recieve!




Headshot #1

Headshot #2

Full Body (Flat-Shaded, Whole Scene)

A Poster!




This image is gonna beat you up

She's also gonna beat up this image because oh man what a loser

You wish you were this pretty (also gonna get beaten up)

Look out, he's got a hardbound copy of 50 Shades of Grey and he's not afraid to use it! (FFT-style character image)




Headshot #1

Headshot #2

Partial Bodies

Full Body #1

Full Body #2


ansemaru hasn't earned sensible link text yet.



'Shut up and take my money!', was it? Or maybe just 'Shut up!'. Well, sucks to be you if it was the latter because I'm still going! Let's look at slots!


Slot 1 - Two Headshots! One from raindrops and one from ansemaru.


Starting at 60,000 gil.

Autobuy at 300,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: -


Slot 2 - Two Headshots! One from raindrops and one from ansemaru.


Starting at 60,000 gil.

Autobuy at 300,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: -


Slot 3 - Two Partial Body images! One from raindrops and one from ansemaru. (CLOSED)


Starting at 90,000 gil.

Autobuy at 400,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: Aysun - 400,000 gil (PAID)


Slot 4 - Final Fantasy Tactics special! One full-body image of your character as the Final Fantasy Tactics class of your choice! (By ansemaru) (CLOSED)


Starting at 60,000 gil.

Autobuy at 300,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: Olofantur - 300,000 gil (PAID)


Slot 5 - 'What do you mean I have to draw legs' special! One full-body image of your character! (By raindrops) (ClOSED)


Starting at 60,000 gil.

Autobuy at 300,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: Ami - 300,000 gil, Rinette - 300,000 gil (PAID, IMAGE COMPLETE)


Slot 6 - 'A CHALLENGER APPROACHES' special! WILDCARD - portrait, partial body or full body, your choice! (By belderiver)


Starting at 60,000 gil.

Autobuy at 300,000 gil.

Minimum Increment 1000 gil.


Current High Bid: Niah'ir - 70,000 gil



Is she done yet? Not quite! Because we've yet to discuss our fabulous bonuses!


Fabulous Bonus #1 - Two Characters offer! Does your character have a significant other? A bestest friend in the whole wide world? A worstest enemy in the whole wide world? Well I have good news! If you have the winning bid on slots 3, 5 or 6 and you want two characters in the image, just let us know and pay an extra 50%!


Fabulous Bonus #2 - Buyout offer! If a slot hits its autobuy, everyone who bid on that slot gets a quick character sketch! This only applies to the first slot that gets bought out.


Fabulous Bonus #3 - Buyout offer #2! If all slots hit their autobuy, everyone who bid on anything gets a coloured character portrait!



Thanks for reading that wall of text! Now, give me all your gil! Lansquenet are based on the Balmung server, so that's where we want all that delicious money!


Bidding will end on Tuesday the 10th, at 11:59pm GMT.


Apologies to Lacryel, as I didn't ask permission before stealing their idea.

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Nope. Can't say no this time. You guys are amazingly talented. 400k on slot 3. I'll screenshot my gil if you want. xD


Plus I want to get drunk at a place called the Drum and Dagger. Because that just sounds awesome.

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Wow this escalated quickly!


I'm willing to do two, so since the fast buyouts have given me extra time to get things done in, I'll say that we can have two slot 5s. Special occasion and all.


(the special occasion being 'My FC getting money')


Also seeing as how we've hit the first autobuy so early - quick sketches for everyone who's bid so far! If you could give me character references that'd be great. I'll be PMing people who've bought out things soon to ask what they want for their things!

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I'm going to be out of town most of the day tomorrow, so please don't worry if you bid and the post doesn't get updated


And update on art if you wanted it: I've started on my autobuys (lines are done for Rinette's!). Bonus sketches will likely happen tomorrow when I'm home or on Sunday.

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Sadly it looks like no amount of emergency commissions is going to get us housing with those prices, so no. I'll try to get around to putting up a normal commissions thing at some point.


And Ami's image is done!




You can send money to Cendrillon Braids once the game's back up. I'll PM you the full PNG image when you do!


EDIT: just now realized I've forgotten her face markings. I'll add those in once payment's done!

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Sadly it looks like no amount of emergency commissions is going to get us housing with those prices, so no. I'll try to get around to putting up a normal commissions thing at some point.


And Ami's image is done!




You can send money to Cendrillon Braids once the game's back up. I'll PM you the full PNG image when you do!


EDIT: just now realized I've forgotten her face markings. I'll add those in once payment's done!


OMG, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You shall have payment as soon as I can get a hold of you in-game, sweetie! Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!! <3 <3

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