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The Evil Plot Arc so far...


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So everyone who's been keeping up with my requests, here is what im actually planning, this is just an outline for the time being, nothing is confirmed. Feel free to post any plot suggestions or any interest in joining in. 



Chapter 1

Lansquenet a groupof criminals posing as a troupe of actors and performers will be hired to do a performance for the HoD FC. This is a cover up for a kidnapping and enslaving plot to be conducted during or at the end of the performance. The HoD leadership is to attend along with a few of its members. Before entering the show area, the troupe’s security will collect their weapons leaving them as easy targets later on. Upon capturing the audience members, they are to be taken to the Sagolii Desert via the aether crystal.  There they will meetup with the Eternal Bond Merc’s, who have taken over the town as a temporary outpost to house the soon to be slaves until they can be sold. The Hostages areturned over to the Merc’s and are split up to be held as separately as the situation will allow. They are then transferred to either the Amalj’aa encampment at the other side of the desert or held in town for more prospective clients.



Chapter 2

The remaining membersof the FC become worried after a time when no one returns to the company HQ. They then contact the Flame Player character unit The Yataghans, headed Kale Aideron to assist in the search for their missing company members. They head to their last know location, the Troupe’s last performance location. They will still be there and the IC RP investigation will begin, It will be up to the Player characters to RP getting the location from the Lansquenet members. If persuasive enough, the members should hint that they heard the group is being held in the desert under heavy guard.



Chapter 3

At this point, the Flame Unit and the FC member can eitherchose to form a joint operation to retrieve the captured members or do things separately. Either way they will RP there way over the desert to assault the Eternal Bond’s temporary HQ’s. They will either find the captives in the camp or have to than head to the Amalj’aa encampment.


Chapter 4


No plans yet.

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What the hell? Lansquenet agreed to talk to your character. That is not the same as agreeing to take part in slavery.


If you could actually work things out and agree on stuff OOCly before god-moding people into involvement in your plots that would be really great, thanks. Actually asking permission before saying people's characters are doing things is the polite thing to do!

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That doesn't make it any less rude/presumptuous to put up something like this about other people's characters, especially considering the subject matter. We didn't agree, OOCly or ICly, to any of this at all - literally the only thing we agreed to about this was to talk to this character - and we should have been asked before this was put up.

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