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Possibly coming to XIV in the future, figured I'd say hi!


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I've always enjoyed roleplaying in MMORPG's, namely WoW. Am I going to get shot for mentioning that game? The official forum/reddit explodes the second I mention it or don't say XIV is the bestest thing ever, as a result I have mild concerns that the same elitist attitude carries in-game, but I digress! This forum seemed much more friendly so I figured here would be a suitable place to ask newbie questions about the game and so on.


But of course, roleplaying. I enjoy it, as mentioned, but I've barely touched any FF game before, I own VII but not gotten very far in it and I never played 1.0 (Especially after hearing what a trainwreck it, allegedly, was) so I'm a newborn when it comes to FF lore. That being said, I played the beta and generated an outline of a character in mind; a miqo'te (yes, another one!), who isn't following the stereotype trend of being overly cute or flimsy, instead I hope to have someone who actually looks quite well versed in fighting with one of the more 'grown up' faces I stumbled across in the beta that I became very fond of, as it caused me to stand out from the millions of :3 faced cat-people on the server I was playing on.


In time I hope to have him more fleshed out in terms of backstory, already thinking of a name (His last name will be Tia, of course, as the lore states it ought to be. Don't like the idea of him being a breeding male, so, yah) and I think I've settled on the Marauder/Gladiator class in any case!


One small problem remains however; I live in the EU. And while I'm aware of attempts at an EU RP server, as far as I know they either failed or they're SO small in number on a server they're constantly harassed or it's kept in private, which I dislike. Is time zone much of an issue on either RP server? Are there plenty of EU folk around with their own event timings and the like? I'd rather not miss out on large-scale RP events because I have to succumb to sleep!


That being said, I hope to buy a copy of the game with a free trial after christmas, until then any advice or info is appreciated!

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Howdy, Ranor! Welcome to the forum!

First of all, allow me to dismiss your concerns of elitism. Whilst I cannot speak for all members of the community, the actual game is nothing like reddit. Of course, some people have a dislike for World of Warcraft (myself included), nut the majority will not shove it down your throat or attempt to "convert" you. :) We're a friendly bunch like that. Also, feel free to ask away! We don't bite.


Secondly, you'd be amazed at just how many Miqo'te exist which -aren't- the cute, flimsy kitty people. Not to say you should roleplay that type of character to stand out, I would shoot you, but the Miqo'te community as a whole are very mature. Either way, you won't be crucified for playing one like certain forums suggest.


As for your timezone issues, this may come as a pleasant shock to you but I, too, am an EU player. Balmung certainly (not sure about Gilgamesh) has players and roleplayer from all timezones, so you'll never be short of company. As a bonus, I'm a bit of a night owl and am up when the US players are, but even if you're not, there's still many others ready and willing. :D


I hope I've managed to answer all your worries, and look forward to seeing you in-game! Must hook up for some RP if you're ever in Limsa. Once again, welcome to the forum!!:moogle:

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Don't feel bad about the WoW thing. Lot of people I know in FFXIV came out of that game- it's an MMO milestone, and more often than not is folks' gateway to the genre in the first place. Plenty of people don't care for it or feel competitive towards it, but honestly, you should be fine here.

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Hello there! I hope you do decide us in XIV! I wouldn't put too much stock in what people on the official forums or Reddit say (people who frequent these places are usually rather obsessed/hardcore, and as such are likely to often rant and rage). On Balmung, there seem to be people online and RPing at most all hours of the day, and there are plenty of EU players. There are even EU linkshells and free companies.

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Welcome to the RPC! Haha don't worry about being a WoW player, I'd say at least half of the people I've met in game used to play, or even still play, WoW. I myself played for 7 years, mostly on Darkmoon Faire.


As for EU players, yes, there's plenty of us on Balmung! We have some very active communities here: Europa is an OOC/LFRP linkshell, The Travellers Guild is an RP free company and Eorzean Union is an endgame PVE free company, all playing during EU peak times. Also be sure to check out the Bronze Lake Resort; Sastra bumps the thread when she opens it for business and it's a great way to meet new people.


Hope you have a Happy Christmas and, if you do get the game, feel free to hit me up for a chat!

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