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Flame Yataghans (Inactive)


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The Yataghans is an Immortal Flames light infantry unit established within the Order of Independent Companies, commanded by Flame Lieutenant Dweia Delacroix of the 1st Main Brigade. Led by a cadre of full-time professionals, the Yataghans are also comprised of mercenaries and adventurers. In this sense, the unit mirrors the wider purpose of the Ul’dahn Grand Company, in that it looks to lead and engage with the variety of independent interests who serve the city-state while pursuing the Sultanate’s objectives. 


Despite the fact the unit is not a part of the Free Brigade, the Yataghans nonetheless seek plentiful connections with adventurers and other unbound elements. It is through these ties that the unit undertakes missions that are otherwise overlooked by the Grand Company. With a much smaller-scale focus than the main forces of the Flames, the Yataghans are open to assist citizens and friends of the Sultanate in an appropriate capacity.


Serving soldiers, prospective recruits, and interested adventurers should contact either Flame Lieutenant Dweia Delacroix or Flame Sergeant Moengeim Wistyrmanwyn for further information.



OOC Information


The Flame Yataghans is a combined FC/LS that imitates the sort of military unit found within the Grand Company of Ul'dah, and has a focus especially on relatively grounded roleplay centered around the exploits of ordinary soldiers. As can be expected with a military-flavoured group, there is a requirement of sorts for your character to be subordinate and professional. It must be stressed that this is not synonymous with draconian and repressed, however! This expectation of subordination comes with the potential for badassery within this professional military framework. Of course, player-characters are welcome to join as an adventurer in accordance with Ul'dah's mercenary culture, for those nonetheless interested but less inclined towards the military angle.


Both plot-based and more casual RP can be expected within the Yataghans, from hunting Amalj'aa in the Sagolii, to kicking back in a Flames barracks (or notable tavern!) and doing what soldiers do in between shifts. In addition to RP, we also pursue content eagerly, and are happy to help people grind and level! We have two linkshells; one for Out-of-Character banter and another for In-Character roleplay. As a combined FC/LS, the OOC Linkshell is the primary chat channel for the Yataghans.





Two straightforward rules that covers both the realm of OOC and IC. As a mature group, we trust that our members can extrapolate the unwritten clauses of both rules without needing a long-winded list!


No unbecoming conduct - The most common and rudimentary of all guild rules, and with good reason! No OOC conduct that could potentially be interpreted as 'bad behaviour', from inappropriate chat discussions to general juvenile petulance. It goes without saying that offensive remarks (outside of blatant sarcasm and satire) are unwelcome, as is any violation of the EULA.


No lorebreaking - The Yataghans pursues a generally down-to-earth take on the lore, as one might expect from a group focused on playing rank-and-file soldiers. We even copy the uniforms and weaponry of the Flames NPCs, from the iconic overcoats to the desert shirts that offer questionable levels of protection! We do this to lend authenticity and validity to our roleplay (yet not necessarily authority), so general special snowflaking is to be avoided. That being said, given the grey areas that exist within the IP, lorebending within reason can be discussed freely.

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