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Eh.. *scratches the back of his neck* ..Hello..


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I'm not much for introductions, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I play a Keeper of the Moon. You have to guess what his name is, though. Let's see, what else...


All of my acquaintances in-game so far have been made through random, impromptu RP - no setting up "scenes" and whatnot, which gives me pretty high hopes for the Balmung community.


Uh.. *taps himself on the head as if to beat the words out of his brain* I guess that's about it, really.  Looking forward to more RP. Here, have a dancing moogle. :moogle:

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I have yet to make any Keeper friends in game, this is an atrocity to me! So in other words if you ever want to RP feel very free to add me on any of my alts with my mains being Siha or Nalani at this time so we can rp! ^^

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I have yet to make any Keeper friends in game, this is an atrocity to me! So in other words if you ever want to RP feel very free to add me on any of my alts with my mains being Siha or Nalani at this time so we can rp! ^^

There seem to be a few of us! And sure, will do next time I'm in the game.

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Actually, I am in the process of potentially making an IC Keeper friend. But other than that, I have none. I want a bunch of em if I can manage it :D


Send me a tell if you find me in game. Or perhaps you wouldn't mind if I hunted you down, stalked you and added you as a contact?


BTW based on your avatar picture, your character is very cool looking.

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Actually, I am in the process of potentially making an IC Keeper friend. But other than that, I have none. I want a bunch of em if I can manage it :D


Send me a tell if you find me in game. Or perhaps you wouldn't mind if I hunted you down, stalked you and added you as a contact?


BTW based on your avatar picture, your character is very cool looking *swoon* :blush:


More contacts is a good thing! Feel free to hunt and stalk to your heart's content. *chuckle* Or I'll send you a poke when/if I see ya.


Thanks for the welcome, Rinh and Kiht. :D

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Welcome! The community here is amazing, one of the best I've been apart of in a long time.


Send me a poke whenever! I'd love to have some Keeper of the Moon friends, especially since I can only seem to find Seekers of the Sun for some reason. Or I could just stalk you with Kiht. x3

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Welcome! The community here is amazing, one of the best I've been apart of in a long time.


Send me a poke whenever! I'd love to have some Keeper of the Moon friends, especially since I can only seem to find Seekers of the Sun for some reason. Or I could just stalk you with Kiht. x3

Heheh. I know I already poked you in game, but I wanted to thank you for the reply. I couldn't stay in the game long, but look forward to discussing more RP stuff and maybe even, y'know, actually RP with you very soon.

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