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Hello, hello!

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Hello, hello!


My name is Scott and I'll be taking on the role of Flitchee Oosa. I'm pretty new to MMORPGs but not to RPing. I've done a lot of table-top roleplaying since I was 13 and have found a few systems that were fun to learn and work with.


My first MMO was FF XI; at that time (2006) I didn't even know people RPed in-game and I kinda let it go because of time constraints. In August (2013), I picked up DCU Online and FFXIV:AAR for the PS3. I learned my way around the MMO world and began searching out other RPers. It was then I found some different FCs and websites like this. It's amazing the things we can do digitally that we couldn't on paper, map mats, and miniatures, lol. Does that statement  highlight my age at all? ;)


I currently reside in Colorado (MST) and try to log on to the game a few times a week. If you see me running around in Balmung, wave and say "hello". I'll try to RP anytime I can!


Great to meet y'all! :chocobo:



Scott (Flitchee Oosa)

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