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Shaded Bough Trading Company


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The Shaded Bough () is a roleplay-oriented free company representing a collection of merchants, mercenaries, and traders associated with the Orange Branch of the Shaded Bough Trading Company.


The free company's roleplay plot themes are the clandestine procurement, transport, and sale of goods and information, as well as activities associated with creating and executing relevant contracts with player and non-player characters.


The company values being interconnected with the local roleplay community, and encourages interaction and plotlines that work with other free companies and individuals.  'Living their role', most members may be found in the major city-states (e.g., Limsa Lominsa) socializing and preparing for their next job, or out in the field on assignments.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Never saw this thread until now. But awesome.


I know you're already in our OOC LS, but let us know if we can ever help out or if you ever want to hit up for RP.


If you're looking to ever do business, we can help shift any wares for your merchants and traders, especially if they need to be 'under the radar' if you know what I mean - we know all the right people to bribe or blackmail - there's a crew always up for a little work and likewise, we often find ourselves in trouble, so there may be the desire to call on mercenaries to help. :)

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I know you're already in our OOC LS, but let us know if we can ever help out or if you ever want to hit up for RP.


If you're looking to ever do business [...]


I look forward to talking with you about opportunities for inter-guild communication and plots!  As a company we like to to help strengthen the uniqueness of the server's companies, so you and I may be able to create a few subcontracting ideas for utilizing the Waywards' nautical expertise (you know, being pirates and all).


I'm already a member of a roleplay FC, but with someone whose character is from a widespread black market family, will there be IC/OOC linkshells for those who want to participate?[/color]


Good news--there already is a linkshell!  We bring in people with whom we have frequent dealings/RP.  The best way to join it is to just get to know us, hang around our people, and get involved.  We are often found in Limsa Lominsa between the Bismarck, Drowning Wench, and Missing member; or in the Goblet, 3rd ward, plot 20--especially during the evenings.

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  • 4 months later...

We have an update!  The Shaded Bough is now under new management!  I've taken over for the company and have begun getting back into the RP scene and mingling with folks and reestablishing connections! 


The Dirty Duskwight tavern will be undergoing a remodeling before we open up again to all of Eorzea's RP'ers!  It's good to be back folks, I hope you'll be around to enjoy it!

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