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The Gridanian Cultural Census

Are you interested in the results of the Gridanian Census and primal research?  

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  1. 1. Are you interested in the results of the Gridanian Census and primal research?

    • No, I am not interested in these results.
    • I am interested in the results of the Gridanian Census, but not the primals.
    • I am interested in the results of the primal research, but not the Gridanian Census.
    • I am interested in the results of both of these studies.

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Though this pertains to lore, rather than gameplay, I feel like it belongs more in this thread as it is not directly RP-related, nor is it IC like the Rattlepack Guide.


There's been a lot of debate lately about subjects pertaining to Gridanian culture, and in particular their xenophobia/racism, the role of elementals in shaping this culture, and the degree to which elementals actually hold power. I would know, having been at the heart of this. But I do quite dislike debates in which the parties involved cannot cite sources for their information.


So I undertook an endeavor. Over the course of an evening, I walked across the Black Shroud, and talked to every NPC. South Shroud, East Shroud, Central Shroud, North Shroud, Gridania. I revisited the handful of ARC and CNJ cutscenes available to me in the inn, and the cutscenes from the Sylph-related leg of the main story plot. But having started out in Limsa Lominsa, and having not played any of the Gridania-based classes past level 20 or so, I was limited to primarily screencapping just the conversations available to any player talking to the NPCs in towns, outside dungeons, and scattered about at the various spires in the Shroud. I also took the time to go over the text for dungeons, guildhests, and levequests in the region, though those were once again limited by my levels in the relevant classes.


The results were interesting- I gathered around one hundred and sixty screencaps of various relevance to the elementals, Gridanian culture, and xenophobia. Obviously, I cannot dump every last one of them in this thread or really anywhere else, but I'm curious: are people interested in seeing the sum total of easily-accessed information regarding these things compiled into one place?


Additionally, I took some time to gather information regarding primals, beast tribes, and aether. These are a bit less extensive, due to the fact that a portion of relevant dialogue is in plot conversations not covered by the cutscenes available for rewatching at the inn, and the beast tribe research was limited by my decision to survey the Black Shroud specifically. But there is some very interesting information there, especially when some of the text from the SMN quest line is taken into consideration.

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This is really amazing, thank you for putting in the time to gather all of that information, that was really great of you! I personally would love to see the fruits of your labors and learn whatever I can from the lore you gathered, I'm sure it's all going to be useful in some ways and put to rest at least some of the debates, or at least give us some insight!

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Hrm, nice to see some interest in the results of my research! Now, the question is: should I compile these on an outside site, or would it be kosher to make a thread on this forum featuring the screencaps? There are over a hundred of them, so I can understand if I should put them somewhere else.

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The easiest in my head would be to organize them into albums on imgur or something, then link them here.


I'm also interested to see what you've dug up, by the way. My character was born and raised in the Shroud, so I'm happy to learn what I can about the nuances of life there.

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Alright, I've made an imgur album for the results of the Gridanian Cultural Census. I'll be uploading a second album for my information about Primals shortly, and linking it in a second comment.


The Great Gridanian Cultural Census on Imgur


The formatting is not perfect, thanks to a couple of awkward transitions, but the images are roughly grouped by theme rather than by order in which they were taken.




Starting at this image are screencaps related to life in the Twelveswood and how the elementals and the monopoly the hearers/conjurers have on interpreting them have impacted how life is lived and how people behave.




Starting at this image are screencaps related to Gridanians/forestborn showing prejudice or distrust towards outsiders, specific races, clans, and species. Includes a series of screencaps pertaining towards Duskwights being implied as criminal and/or decadent.




Starting from this image are a series of screencaps indicating the Gridanian sense of pride and self-righteousness in their actions.




Starting from this screencap are a series of images pertaining to the current state of the Twelveswood and elementals.




Starting from this screencap are a series of images pertaining to individuals or groups with more moderate or alternative attitudes towards life in the Twelveswood, or depending on how you look at it, individuals that indicate the good in Gridanian culture.

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And I have also made an Imgur album for the information gathered on Primals. It's unfortunately less extensive, thanks to there being far fewer readily accessible examples of dialogue available for a postgame player. Hopefully, I will be able to add to it upon secondary playthroughs with alternate characters.


Primal Research on Imgur.


Also contains some additional information on beast tribes gathered, which may be of interest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a small update: I'll be adding more screenshots to the gallery in the near future, this time from the CNJ/WHM questline and the story/side quests from Buscarron's Druthers and Quarrymill. They may provide some interesting data and clarification on earlier observations.

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