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Knight Kat (Kiht Jakkya)

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I. Basic Info


  • Characters: Kiht Jakkya and Qara Hotgo
  • Primary character: Kiht Jakkya.
  • Linkshells:
    • Rendezvous of Stars
    • Roll Eorzea


    II. RP Style


    • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
      Medium to heavy RP. I don't mind Role Paying with lighter Role Players at all though. I love playing the game, but RP is probably my favorite thing to do in it. I try to adapt my style to who ever I am RPing with. Usually, it works out well.
    • Views on RP combat and injuries:
      I would be very willing. However, I won't likely allow death unless stated otherwise at the time. Injuries that can be healed, or recovered from, I will allow. I do not mind if my character loses, but I will likely only have her lose if her opponent does something that demonstrates superior skill, wit or luck. Kiht is an "underdog type", but not a "push-over".
      I prefer rolling systems or /random for combat. However, free-form can be used if there is a mutual trust, or if we want a specific outcome for story purposes.
    • Views on IC romance:
      Open to it. If it happens, it happens. Any further details would need to be discussed with the IC partner. I like to let RP romance happen organically for the most part.
    • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
      Friends are an important part of RP for me. Business connections are good too.
      I usually like for my character to get to know the person ICly first. However, I tend to have my character form connections quickly with the right kind of people.
    • Views on lore:
      I try to strictly adhere to my interpretation of the lore. However, I do not care if others share, or abide by such an interpretation. The only time I would take issue with someone was if they were breaking lore that has been confirmed by the developers. Other than that, opinions are like Miqo'te, everybody has one....
    • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
      /tell is always OOC unless character is in whispering distance, or if it is over a personal linkshell. I use /say and /em for RP. I will use /party for OOCness in some cases unless someone wants a private RP session for some reason. I would be willing to use /party for RP in uncommon cases.


    III. Contact Info

    • Country:United States
    • Timezone:PST
    • Contact info: PM me here! I check this site like twice a day. In-game, all are welcome to send tells.


    IV. Character Info

    • Mary Sue Test Score: 20. A small bit higher than average because of a specific plot in my RP history, but still in the "Low chance of being a Mary Sue" range.
    • Kiht Jakkya's Wiki



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