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New Person


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Hello all. So great to meet you. 

I'm new to RPing. I've never really done it before, but I've been watching people in the Inns for a while now, and it seemed interesting. Looked up some information, and here I am!


I could really use some advice on what to do and such, along with people to play with. I'm reading guides now and finished creating a personality for my little fluffball :P


My character name is Holo Yoitsu, and my server is Gilgamesh. 

I don't bite! :3


Kylin's Role-Play Etiquette Guide is where I got my questionnaire from. Not sure if it's a good start or not.

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Welcome to the RPC and Gilgamesh!


We're very happy to have you.  :)  If you've any questions, please, feel free to look me up in-game and give me a poke!  I'll keep an eye out for you, as well.  


Seems you're on the right track with learning what to do, though, with all the guides.  Can't wait to see you put some of it in action!

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