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The Blackguard

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blackguard (ˈblæɡɑːd; -ɡəd)n1.a. an unprincipled contemptible person; scoundrel

b. (as modifier): blackguard language.

vb2. (tr) to ridicule or denounce with abusive language

3. (intr) to behave like a blackguard

[C16: originally a collective noun referring to the lowest menials in court, camp followers, vagabonds; see black, guard]



"Ladies, Gentlemen, Lords and Paupers! Hark ye and bend your ear!" Said the man standing atop a crate proudly. His garments were nondescript dark cotton, save for the wide-brimmed black hat upon his head. A red bandana wrapped around his face obscured his features, for it was not his face that he was selling, but his words.


"Too long have we stood idly by in our beloved cities, watching the world turn to corruptions inside and out! A -rot- festers from within, bringing disease that weakens our lives and makes our future a bleak, passing thought! Those of affluence and influence change Eorzea in their own image! False Gods of commerce and trade. A -syndicate- on high looking down on even the Sultana, the Seedseer, and the Admiral! Is this the world you live in? You, of the land! You, of the sword or the axe! You, of the lance and the bow! You supposed scholars, hiding in your guild halls, who speak the history but take nothing to heart! While you cower and cover your hides with opulence and festivities, there is an underground...moving forward unto the dawning. They gather! United! The common cause to take BACK what has been stolen! 


If you've been falsely arrested, condemned and confined, they call to you!


If you've seen the pestilence and are not afraid, they call to you!


If your life is not your own and you want it BACK! THEY...CALL....TO YOU!


Do you hear them? Drumming in the alleys! Drumming in the streets! Do you know them?! Your brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters!? Your merchants, your servants, they are all of you! They are one and they are FURIOUS! No corrupt -council- will control you! By the hand that plows, that crafts, that sells, and by the hands that grip the blade and shield to fight for YOUR RIGHTS! You will stand! Independent....and Protected!"


The man stilled, facing the crowd, and gave dramatic pause before continuing in a gentler tone. "Who are they? Who are you? There is no name for the might of the people. No title save the bastardized example they have shoved in your faces! The Immortal Flames, The Twin Adders, The Maelstrom! These are the Grand Companies that protect you in council and in field. If you call those who defend you in the streets, in the alleys, in the darkest moments of your lives, then these would be a -Black- -Guard-. And their enemies will not be warned of the oncoming storm they bring...."



The Blackguard is a Free Company of wayward souls with a need to fight for what's right and what's true at any cost. No matter the threat, no matter the situation, these rebels will be there to battle for freedom and stand against oppression. 


Recruitment is not so easy, though any can become a Black Guard and carry the banner of liberty. In each city state and bustling town might be a crier or a flyer posted on a wall. For every one taken down, two more rise up in it's place. Contacts vary, by watchman or simple merchant, one must show dedication to join the ranks of the free people. (Simply put, this means all invitations come after an RP meeting with the company leader, Olyver Hyral.)


Naturally, this means The Blackguard is a roleplaying free company and will be deeply involved in the roleplaying events on Gilgamesh as well as creating their own. This is an everyman company, with only the desire to fight for freedoms as a requirement. While the members will not be waving their arms screaming "Blackguard!" to everyone they meet, the name is the underlying theme: A Secret Movement of free men and women. 


Most importantly, we don't bite unless we're asked to. The actions of The Blackguard are IC only and most likely antagonistic, but fair-minded. Our policy is not to infringe or disrupt another player's story. We would rather enhance it. Therefore, anyone with the company name will be expected to treat others with the utmost respect OOC. In character is a different story, of course. So don't be afraid to talk to us OOC.




-Black Hat (The Web Wizard who'll be constantly updating this and overseeing the enjin site. Olyver Hyral is much more of a game player than a forum watcher.)

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An update!


As has been discussed, The Blackguard core (Olyver Hyral, Kalypsiana Bellveil, and Myself as Galen) will be posting calendar events in the coming weeks (after Olyver returns from vacation) of a very specific sort that should make game-play and roleplay entertaining!


Proposed Events!





Picture 8 man teams of RPers riding the countrysides of different lands, roleplaying and grinding FATEs for levels, GC seals, etc. The opportunities to establish war-stories and comraderie are boundless!


Relic Questing



Either weekly or bi-weekly, we haven't decided yet! However, as a way to give back to the community, the three of us want to host runs of the primals and the beasts for those who need relics. Space will unfortunately be limited due to party size, of course, but the more we practice, the more effective the runs will become and if we're lucky enough to find more devoted RPers/Gamers, more than one BLG relic team could be out there. 


Open World RP



We love the tavern nights, Bronze Lake and Fallgourd Float are highlights of the Gilgamesh RP community. We will be posting open invitation events in various cities and towns around Eorzea. These could be anything from Blackguard recruitment criers to coordinated confrontations with other FCs, to gatherings around FATE chains just for fun! RPing on Highbridge when the Qiqirn attack....or on the road when a mysterious monster from another world appears (Lightning FATEs), even RPing the FATE-chain leading up to Crystal Tower could be potential spotlights for the Open World RP events.


Stay tuned for the next inspiration update!




-Black Hat

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Lemme know if we can help or if you're ever looking for a band of pirates to work with...aye, we're the unlawful sort and like to make money, but the Wayward crew does indeed have a moral compass and has a soft spot for the underdogs.

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