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Hello again!

C'lai Nunh

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Hello all,


I'm returning to FFXIV and was curious as to the state of rp atm! I'm eager to try and be part of a rp community again and will surely be looking to find some people to rp with.


Have things changed much? What rp guilds should I be looking at to try and join? :o


Thank you for the attention and sorry for opening a thread solely for this.

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Welcome back! RP is still going well and thriving! If you'll be on Balmung, Harbingers of the Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. We also have an IC LS. We'd be happy to have you! You can learn more about us here or on our site. Please contact me if you're interested! Also, I'm happy to RP anytime so feel free to approach me if you see me around!

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Hi there!


It depends on which server you're interested in, you should take a look at the Linkshells by clicking on the word "Linkshells" up above there. You can separate the Linkshells and Free Companies in the directory by either Balmung or Gilgamesh server!


The RP on both servers is pretty hopping! Balmung has a LOT of really fantastic FCs right now and so does Gilgamesh, though Gilgamesh has a smaller community right now being a non-legacy server! 


If you have any more questions, ask away and someone will happily answer them!




-Black Hat

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Hello again Y'fhyrr,


Looking for an RP guild is like trying to find a designated restaurant for the bi-weekly pre-pathfinder meeting [Just me? oh..], you really have to go out there and try them to see if they fit. As always the Linkshell/FC hall features here:



Is probably your best best for getting a general overview, click on some that sound interesting to read more about them, maybe send a member a message to see what they're up to and how they go about their business, all that jazz.


I'd also just hop into the world, lounge around some of the hot spots to see who turns up, seeing how people act in an unscripted environment is a great way to get another view of people who will otherwise carefully sculpt their interactions.


Hope that helps, and good luck out there! :cactuar:

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Thank you for the amazing swift responses! I'll follow your advices and will take a gander at what I can.


I'm on Balmung by the way. I'm eager to get in and see how everything is hehe! Gonna take a while to get used to my monk again!


Anyway, See you ingame (when it finishes patching...)!


And thanks again! :D

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