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What do you want from 2.2?

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And let us hop on our chocobo saddle in between fights!

No mounts while he's out seems silly.


This is happening actually as stated by a dev on the official forums.



Community Rep


Hey all,


We received a recent update from the Duty Finder lead on some of the upcoming changes to mounts and companions in upcoming patches.


We had mentioned that in a forthcoming update, we would make it possible for players to be able to summon your mount, and register for the Duty Finder, while your companion was summoned. The lead updated us that being able to ride your mount with your companion out, and have them return to you once you dismount, will be added in patch 2.2. However registering for duty with your companion summoned will be implemented after patch 2.3.


We'll continue to keep you all updated as we hear more.


HERE is the topic with the post in it.

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Things I would like have been stated already but I guess I will list them anyway:


1) More emotes like /hug and tweaks to existing emotes since seriously some emotes make your char look stupid or incapable of being taken seriously.


2) Formal attire that doesn't show off skin... I mean seriously the coatee on females is ridiculous.


3) More GC ranks and stuff. I know a lot of us have way too many GC seals and nothing to do with them.


3) More class mounts or mounts in general. I love our feathery friends just as much as the next person but I would like some more variety. WARK!


3) More content focusing on ancient civilizations, e.g. Nym, Sil'dih, Amdapor, Belah'dia etc.


4) Being able to dye parts of armor or just being able to dye the sets from Sastasha and Brayflox's Longstop. I really don't want to get my rear handed to me over and over in PvP just to get a dyeable version of the Acolyte's Robe.


5) A class that uses swords, or two-handed swords, that ISN'T a gladiator. Like a fencer or thief would be great. That and there isn't a stealth-based class yet which is kinda weird since that is a core staple of most RPGs. A thief class could get a trait called Mug which adds a percentage to steal gil upon hit. Not a lot to make it imbalanced but enough to be nifty and flavorful.

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I'm not gonna say it's for 2.2 (but I would love it if they would release it with it (very unlikely)) So I'm just gonna list my general wish list:


- more hairstyles for all races (though I really want it more for elezen) female elezen haven't got a single non-feminine short hairstyle, I personally would like to see more of that!


- more facial and body scarring and while we are at the subject of body, body tattoos and body paint as well (we have so many armors that bare so much skin, it's impossible not to get out a few scratches here and there, not every adventurer is THAT good)


- Also seriously, more beards for the lads!


- Choosing e-motes at character creation, I mean I look at the squatting Miqo'te and I really want that way of sitting or maybe more different kinds of e-motes like /crouch 


- The starting clothes not being race specific, you would still get the race starter, but being able to buy other race starter equipment and be able to wear it.


-armory holding all armor (not just specific ones or sets) and also hold vanity stuff as well


-people already mentioned swimming, so I'm gonna mention dungeons based around it (like swimming through sewers in an ancient ruin etc)


- The world feels small (to me at least) so more geographical areas and with that some more quests, I would for example love to see what Garland looks like as well as more of Ishgard and Gridania as well. These would be my personal preferences, but really I would love to see more of everywhere.


- More dragons!!!!


-More Mounts!!!


- More Clothes!!!


- It would be a cool idea if summoners and arcanists could vanity their pets so it looks like one of the many minions that we get through the game!


- Personal Housing, I would love it if it would be instanced like it is currently with the FC housing (I heard some rumors that it might be instanced from the FC house, but not sure how much truth there is to that) 


- Never mind the size of the plot/house, but type as well, like maybe have a house that is more reminiscent of a hobbit burrow or if it's close to a mountain side maybe a cave entrance or a tree house. 


I would love if all of it would be released and I know many are probably not possible but still they would be cool features!

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