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Rurutani Sasatani

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I. Basic Info


  • Characters:Rurutani Sasatani
  • Primary character:Rurutani
  • Linkshells:Harbingers of Dawn
  • Primary RP linkshell:Harbingers of Dawn


II. RP Style


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I would like to say I am medium-heavy, but as I am very new to RP, I am currently light (read=shy). I hope to get more involved as I beging to feel more confident and comfortable with playing in a world I know and yet am finding that I know very little about.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I believe injuries are okay, especially if you throw yourself into a combat system. As long as details are established between the players prior so there's no surpise "And now Rurutani needs a peg-leg" situations, I am okay with it.
  • Views on IC romance:
    Romantic interactions and romance in general can be fun if played naturally and unforced. Of course, as many others have stated, it needs to stay IC and not OOC. Going down the path of blurring the lines between IC and OOC, ESPECIALLY with romance can lead to nothing but bad times for all. As long as both people are mature and understand that, I am fine with it because excluding it is segmenting off potentially fun stories.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Family ties are awesome and can lead to humor, drama, and crazy situations between family members.
  • Views on lore:
    I am a lore rookie so I can't speak too much to this, but I do think lore needs to be adhered to in some degree. A little wiggle room needs to be allowed for, though. Trying to be 100% with the ever evolving canon story and the living RP world can be akin to trying to manuever an aircraft carrier through a one way street at times. so lore is good but you have to be willing to bend a bit.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I like /say for general RP as it reflects folks talking, and I love /emotes for expressing some thought and general actions. /linkshell and /free company is great for just chat outside of the RP and allows for some banter and lets people get to know each other better. Finally, /tells are fine for private dialogue. That may be related to the RP such as fine tuning some interactions, or questions, or it it may just be that the two players are having a conversation outside of the RP world while RP'ing.


III. Other Info

  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:East Coast
  • Contact info:You can always send me a /tell in the game, or private message me here as I am on all the time. I am always up for meeting new people and getting to know others in the game.



[align=center][glow=blue]~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~[/glow][/align]

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  • 6 months later...

I.....think I'm going to be taking a break from rp and the site for a while.


Today was the first day ever I truly regretted coming to the Balmung server from my old non-rp server, all because cause I disagreed with people and expressed my opinion.


And I am not naming names because I don't do that, but yeah it's primarily because someone I considered a friend sent me that post on skype. :(   In my post I never named one person or FC....it was a general statement to everyone. So if I'm the idiot for expressing my thoughts, I'll be so on my own. :cry:

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