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Hello! Experienced RP but new to ARR LF friends!

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Hello everyone! My name is Mike but my RP name for all games has always been Raevan Convictor. 


I have played a great deal of MMO's and have always had trouble finding a RP community, guild, FC, or what not to be a part of. However I do have a lot of hardcore RP experience. 


If any of you have ever played Iron Realms MUDS that is where I get most of my RP knowledge from. They are games where RP is not an option but is enforced and make for great experiences where you can really immerse yourself and connect to your character. I am looking for this connection in FF ARR. 


If anyone would be interested in taking on a protege and helping me grasp the world of FF ARR the way it should be played please get back to me. I am 24 and mature. I enjoy all kinds of roleplay. Be it sitting in taverns making conversation or taking on missions. I know how to stay in character and absolutely love doing so.


On another note... As I said I have not RP'd in FF14 and am unsure how deep the RP gets. If anyone was looking for relatives, protege's, squires, anything of that sort to add to their own personal history I would love to be a part of it and start building those bonds.


Thank you all for reading this and I hope I get to meet some of you inside the game soon! :thumbsup:

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My first suggestion would be to look at the Linkshells page, and see if there are any Linkshells or Free Companies that strike your fancy, and try to go from there.


My second suggestion is to consider rolling Balmung or Gilgamesh, as they are the two rp servers decided upon by the community, and a majority of the fc's and ls's are located on those two servers. I do think there was a small rp community on Leviathan at one point, I do not know if they are still there.


Hope that helps! Welcome and good luck!

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Ah! I did not know that those were the RP servers. I will switch for sure! I have been wanting to start a new character anyways since my first time playing was really just to understand the game.

Thanks for the info!!


It's impossible to know without doing some digging since we don't have an actual RP server. These are both unofficial RP servers with great RP communities. Welcome!

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A couple quick questions if anyone would be kind enough to answer!


Which of the two RP servers would you suggest has a higher RP community?


Which Linkshells or FC's are most active in events, social RP, and storylines?


Lastly are mumble or TS ever used while roleplaying or do most stick to text?


As you can tell I am trying to fit myself into a great community of Roleplayers in-game so I can get the most immersive experience. Any suggestions would be awesome or anyone that would be willing to accept me into their Linkshell or FC would be even better! Thanks again guys and gals!

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In terms of roleplay, most people stick to text. There are males playing females, females playing males, shy people, or people who feel voice chat programs would totally ruin their immersion of how their characters voice sounds in their head. That's not to say that a voice chat rp group might not exist! You'd just have to find it.


As for which server... it wouldn't hurt initially to roll on both, attend some events, and see where your character might fit. There are active fc's and ls's on both, and active communities on both,so its more a matter of what ends up being the best fit for you and your character.

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