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Four temperaments and classes

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I don't know how many people on this site have heard of the four temepraments, but I was just wondering how well they would relate to classes in this game.


Basically it was the ancient belief that a person's personality was determined by the balance of four key body fluids. Each one dictated a different general personality archetype, and you can read about them all here:



So ignoring that fact that personality is not a hard fast rule for class, which classes, in terms of a general stereotype, do you think best correspond to each of the temperaments?


I personally would say:


Choleric - Probably any Disciple of War class

Melancholic - THM, ACN

Phlegmatic - CNJ, Crafting classes

Sanguine - BRD

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Interesting to discuss, I always like personality-type things. :) My character is a CNJ, but she is very much choleric (and perhaps a healthy hint of sanguine). But then, my character is not necessarily a good CNJ and she doesn't fit the typical mold of the kind, touchy-feely, serene healer.

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Interesting to discuss, I always like personality-type things. :) My character is a CNJ, but she is very much choleric (and perhaps a healthy hint of sanguine). But then, my character is not necessarily a good CNJ and she doesn't fit the typical mold of the kind, touchy-feely, serene healer.


My character Miranda is mostly Melancholic but also somewhat Phlegmatic & either a Red Mage, BLM, or a combination SMN/SCH, I haven't decided which yet. Just in general, though, I would say the vast majority of Eorzeans are Choleric.

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Interesting read!  Mijisaa falls into choleric category mostly in that she is dominant and stubborn, but also loyal and fiercely protective.  She will do just about anything to stay on top and she's very confident in her ability to win. But I can see some sanguine in her as well.  When first met, she is quite bubbly and loves meeting new people but the comparison stops there because she is not in the least bit flighty and she doesn't express her true emotions readily. So I guess at first meeting her, people would think she's sanguine but the longer they're around, the more her choleric side (the true nature) shows.

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