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Uninstalling Question


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Hey guys, I have a question about the uninstalling. I went to uninstall my beta client version and kept getting a error 5005. But all the files for the beta version are completely gone, yet it remains on my uninstall list... Was wondering, with the game coming out tomorrow and me getting this error. Will my installing of the retail version run into problems becuase of this? Or do you think it would be fine, since there are no files to go off of? Any advice or opinions are very welcome at this point. I got thrawted of my beta game playing thanks to computer problems. I dont wanna miss out on my early access too! hehe Thanks guys! :moogle:

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You should be fine in my opinion. You might want to try a program such as "CCleaner" to clean up some inconsistencies on your computer (such as the un-install of FFXIV Beta when the files are already gone).


Thanks ill take a look into it. :moogle:

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