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Holy Hot Tamales! This isn't the Men's Room!


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Hello! I'm a returning player, and I figured I'd say hello! I'm playing on the Balmung server, so if anyone wants to add me or say hi in game, feel free to! My character is a young traveler named Rynn Berne who is currently a Conjurer in training. I love all sorts of RP, so don't feel shy to approach me! I'm also looking for fun Link Shells!

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Heeeeey, welcome back! (says the one who never bought the game until very recently) A young traveler, eh? How I love breaking in fresh-faced characters, all the better if they're innocent. >: D *coughcough* I kid, mebbe I'll see you in game some time. Be sure to check out the linkshell hall, there are a bunch of fun looking ones in there!

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