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Hello everyone.


I play Suidis Greyashe on Faerie, and am looking to learn about roleplaying in FFXIV. I'm very much interested in the peoples and lands of Eorzea, particularly the Hyur, Highlanders, and any nomadic peoples that might make their way through the world.


My character page is here, and my old FFXI blog, which I am repurposing for my new adventures, is here.


I'm not a greatly skilled player, but I will do my best. I make time to explore whenever I can. Any advice or knowledge you wish to share is welcome.

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Hey! A belated welcome to the RPC! I don't know how many people rp on Faerie, but there are certainly a lot of great resources on this site. If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask -- lots of knowledgeable folks around these parts. :)

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