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People scare me, but here we go~ o.o

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Thank the Twelve there's a template.  I'm bloody awful at introductions :blush:.  I'm currently in the Gilgamesh server, but I'm looking into moving into Balmung unless I'm convinced otherwise.  Anyways, I'm a complete newb at this (although I did read some of the guides regarding RP etiquette) and thought this would be the best place to start branching out.



--MMORPG background

Yikes, where do I even begin?  My memory only permits me to remember the following, but I'm almost certain there are at least 3-5 more I'm forgetting about; disregarding the many I played for only a day or two.

  • Runescape
  • Flyff
  • Trickster Online
  • Holic/Cloud Nine Online
  • Eden Eternal
  • Aura Kingdom
  • Ragnarok Online 2
  • Maple Story

--RP experience

I played a bit of Dungeons & Dragons with my college buddies.  Delved into RP'ing in Trickster Online when I was younger without even realizing it.  Part of my interest now is due to reminiscing about the community from Trickster.  I'm hoping to find a community similar, if not better, here.

--Character ideas/info

Rizumu D'Souz

Dunesfolk Lalafell

Age: ???

Main Class: Bard

  • Washed ashore on Costa del Sol with no recollection of past and no desire to pursue lost memories.
  • Unaware of his age, a pervy drunkard Miqo'te (being one of the few outgoing Miqo'te's in the world) adopted him and (with no prior knowledge of Dunesfolk naming conventions) gave him a name meaning "rhythm" from a foreign language that he came up with one faithful drunken night based on Rizumu's musical inclination.  He was "raised" like a child while only being treated like an adult when it was convenient, for example: for father-son bonding with lots of ale in local taverns (resulting in Rizumu's child-like personality, borderline alcoholism and mischievous nature).
  • After the Miqo'te passed away, Rizumu took the Miqo'te's name as his surname and decided to go off adventuring while conquering as many dungeons and taverns as he can. 

--How did you learn about the coalition?

The great all-powerful Google search engine o(^_^)o

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

In the middle of August I'll be inactive due to vacationing and afterwards it's off to college again (I'll be more active again once I'm on campus, but, of course, no where near as active as I'll be during this summer 8-)).

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Welcome to the forum! Gilgamesh player here saying that there's definitely a place for you here if you want it! I recommend if you're unsure, create a character on both and play in both for a little while, see which one clicks!

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Oh hey, Trickster buddy! Welcome to the forum!


:moogle: I thought I was the only one that actually remembered that game! Thanks for the welcoming :thumbsup:


I played a Bunny ;3 I made a good friend back then, I always spent too much time grabbing things I always became a slow fat buns. But never even knew there was RP there.


Also, LALAFELL. :3 ^5


Welcome to the forums. Hope you have a good time in Gilgamesh, if you do move to Balmung you can find Kage in his red hat sitting in the Quicksand. Unless I'm AFK T_T;

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Welcome to the forum! Gilgamesh player here saying that there's definitely a place for you here if you want it! I recommend if you're unsure, create a character on both and play in both for a little while, see which one clicks!


Thanks :D.  I've played on Gilgamesh for a bit now with my bard, but I haven't interacted with any of the RP folks yet.  I know the Tavern Appreciation Association is having an event this Thursday which I'm excited to join in on.  I might base my decision of whether or not I stay in Gilgamesh on the turn out of that event, but I'll definitely take your advice and scout out Balmung with a new character first.



I played a Bunny ;3 I made a good friend back then, I always spent too much time grabbing things I always became a slow fat buns. But never even knew there was RP there.


Also, LALAFELL. :3 ^5


Welcome to the forums. Hope you have a good time in Gilgamesh, if you do move to Balmung you can find Kage in his red hat sitting in the Quicksand. Unless I'm AFK T_T;



:D I played a lion.  It was more of an unofficial RP thing.  People would set up their tents in town and just informally role play whatever they felt like.  Spent so much time in town that I went a whole month without leveling lol.  :thumbsup: If Rizumu shows up in Balmung he'll be glad to have a drink or two with a fellow Lalafell in Quicksand.

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