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Greetings!  I bought FFXIV ARR when it launched and played my 30 days, but then school got hectic and I had to set it down for a while.  


Now that classes are wrapping up, I'm back in!  I originally rolled on Balmung, but because I forgot a lot about the game I'm going to reroll on Gilgamesh to relearn the mechanics and give myself a refresher course on some of the lore. 


I've been roleplaying for quite some time in other venues, including other MMOs like WoW and LOTRO, so I'm familiar with PbP (text based) and in-game RP.  Hydaelyn is a wide new world for me, but I'm quick to learn and eager to explore. :)


I'll be rolling my new character either tonight, tomorrow or Friday (depending on how fast I can wrap up my final projects) so my profile will be updated shortly with that new info, and hopefully I see some of you in game! 


Good to meet you!

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Ah, school, the bane of free time. Welcome back, I hope your experience with school was a productive one! Gilg is definitely in need of dedicated rpers, so I hope your time there is full of awesome rp. I think I saw you post in their rp discussion thread. . .if that wasn't you, do be sure to pm the players of any gilg characters you fancy. It sounds like open world rp isn't too common over there (though, let's be honest, it's pretty hit or miss on Balmung too), so talking to Gilg players is your best bet to get a steady stream of rp.


Happy rping to you!

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