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Wotcher to everyone!

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Greetings guys! 


Wotcher! <--- (Hello, greetings, heeya, etc.) It's my way of greeting to everyone.


I've been played FFXIV in the beginning of the early access, i didn't have experience before in play Final Fantasy Online (I'll never had the pleasure of playing FFXI) and i started in Cactuar (English it's not my primary language) and begins to get boring and i really  miss the pleasure of RP (I didn't find rp groups, links or FC there) and i want to start again but in a server where there is RP. I don't know where to begin (Some say Gilgamesh and others Balmung) and i really need help there.


I've played in others MMO like: WOW, RO, TERA, DCUO, LaTale, Maple Story, etc. So im not a novice in MMO'S.


So i hope start this week.


Thanks your attention and hope to meet many of you and make new friendships.


See ya!

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You are the second person I have ever met to use that old word ('wotcher'). Ha! Where are you from?


What I would do for servers is check out the event and directory forum of each, and roll a character on both servers. Gilgamesh could really use some more dedicated rpers, too. Whichever choice you make (you could even dice roll it), there is plenty of rp to be found on both servers. While open world rp may not be immediately obvious, if you talk to people oocly you'll find people on both servers are friendly and helpful, and typically willing to start rping ooc. Whichever you choose, I wish you lots of great rp!


Welcome to the RPC!

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