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Important: Linkshell Hall forum cleaning

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As the next phase in the needlessly lengthily named "Making RP Easier to Find on the RPC" initiative, we're going to begin addressing the Linkshell Hall forum. As we all know, many linkshellls and free companies have left the game, ended operations, or otherwise faded away. While it's always a sad thing when this happens, what's more sad is when an RPer sees an LS or FC that'd really fit their character, only to find that the group no longer exists (or no longer exists in the form in the LS Hall).


To address this issue, we will begin marking as inactive and moving to its Chronicles subforum any group in the Linkshell Hall that doesn't post at least once per month on its thread. The post doesn't have to be from the leader; it can be anyone in the group (indicated by user profile, signature, or in the post's text). The content can be anything you like, so long as it confirms that the group is still active. I don't think one post a month here is all that onerous of a requirement. :) In return, RPers new and old will be able to have confidence that every group listed here is most likely still alive.


Just to be clear: Any group in the Linkshell Hall that does not have at least one post per month on its thread by a member of the group will be marked inactive and moved to the Chronicles subforum. At that point, you'll need to PM a mod or the admin to get it moved back. The current list of mods and the admin can be found here.


Cleaning will occur on or around the first of each month.


Thanks for your help in keeping the RPC a useful resource for RPers!

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If you're still an active group and your thread was moved, report it in a Private Message to the staff. A group must have some activity on its thread in the prior month to not be marked inactive and moved to the Chronicles subforum at the beginning of each month. Remember, the post can be from anyone who's affiliated with the group and just needs to indicate that you're still around -- though you're welcome to use this requirement to update prospective members on your current plots, membership numbers, recruitment status, policies, and the like. Note: Edits to the main post do not count as activity.

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