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Elements (See new thread)


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Greetings to all good, and errm not so good, people of Eorzea! Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Banedon Toran a resident of the leafy city of Gridania.


My colleagues and I would like to announce the formation of our new linkshell, Elements. Naturally, as is often the case with new Linkshells, we are looking for other brave and hardy souls to help us to bolster our ranks.


We are looking for people of all walks of life, whether you are proficient in the magical arts like myself, skilled in the use of weaponry or handy with a crafting tool.


In return for your pledge of allegiance we would be willing to assist you whenever possible with any task or situation that you cannot conquer alone. Working together we can reach higher levels of achievement; you too could be as great as the heroes who attract the favour of our leaders. However no man errr or woman, *bows to a lady in the audience* should have to make that long journey alone.


On behalf of myself and the other leaders I thank you for lending your ears and I hope we shall meet again should you decide to lend us your support!


*somebody in the audience shouts something indistinct*


Oh,yes! of course... how to find us... ummm, well I suppose it would be easier if we find you. If you would like to join us, please leave a note for the attention to one of the leaders, thatâs myself, Banedon Toran or alternatively, my assistant Jinxsy Johydee stating your name and our scouts will track yo... *cough* ensure that your application gets immediate attention.


Thank you again for your time.



Elements are an EU timezone focused RP Linkshell. Example time zones - GMT, CET etc


We are of neutral allignment with no allegiance to any particular city with no inforced theme, which means members are free to explore their own rp stories and background - as long as this doesn't involve an attack of the drama llamas!


The main context of the Linkshell is 'chat channel' based pearls given out to help people keep in touch with other early risers with individuals working together, adventurers and crafters of all levels welcome - no leve quest is too small!


We only ask that you try to stay in character wherever possible, using the standard ((brackets)) to indicate a switch to ooc.


Regular meetings/events - tavern nights starting end of October/November


forum: http://ffxiv-elements.guildlaunch.com

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Official Registration Information:


Linkshell Name: Elements


Server: Besaid


Leaders/contacts: Leader: Banedon Toran, Officer: Jinxsy Johydee


RP Style: IC LinkShell Chat, typically over 75% RP focused (and therefore 'Heavy' as defined by the RPC)


Website/forum: http://ffxiv-elements.guildlaunch.com


RP element: Loose band of adventurers, a kind of self-help organisation


Headquarters: N/A


Application criteria/process: Apply via website, Seeking EU Good/Neutral alignment players.


Rules: http://ffxiv-elements.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5673629&gid=174816


Additional info: See post above

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