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Attributing Points

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Any advice? I'm running Pugilist and have a strong thing for melee classes, so I've been heavily emphasizing STR/DEX. However, I'm not completely focused on just meleeing -- and the fact that being an Elezen with the highest starting INT in the game has given me enough incentive to focus on my INT/MND/PIE too. I can't help feeling, though, that I'm doing it wrong and will later have to totally remake my character to redistribute my points correctly.


Also, while we're on the subject of distributing points -- elemental point distribution, how are you doing this? What's your reasoning for it?


Much appreciate any help here, thanks in advance. =)

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If you want to fight, STR/DEX is definitely the way to go.. just don't forget some VIT as well unless you want to be a glass cannon.

Unless you plan on focusing on magic, I would advice against putting much pts in INT/PIE/MND, no matter what your race starts with. I picked Keeper because I like the look and feel of the race, and even though they were clearly the more magey Miqo'te, I'm not gonna use much magic. It's just starting stats, it doesn't really mean much. It's more of a Min/Maxing thing.

That said, you can put some pnts in MND at least so you're more resistant to magic (M.Def.).


Elemental are...

- Strengths and Weaknesses: How strong you are with that element (especially useful to Conjurer, but also to Glad for Fire Lotus, Pugi for the Earth-based attack, and possibly others I don't know about) and how resistant you are to an elemental attack of that type.

- Influences on shard gain: I'm not sure how significant the influence is, but it's there. You're more likely to gain shards of the type of your highest Element stats.

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Can always go the "jack of all trades" route. With the exception of Piety, damn near all my stats are within a 2-3 point margin of one another. Mainly because while I will indeed focus on Lancer, I know sooner or later I'll regret overemphasizing one thing over the other.


There's also speculation about crafting jobs having focuses on certain attributes as well. Again, speculation for the moment, but it's worth keeping in mind as I am sure you'll be aiming to choose a craft for profit's sake, if not for gearing yourself.


Also' date=' while we're on the subject of distributing points -- elemental point distribution, how are you doing this? What's your reasoning for it?[/quote']


Ahaha ... to tell the truth, I originally believed that elemental points dictated only your elemental resistances. So starting in Gridania, I just as well assumed to put more in Earth, there being more earth-based creatures and critters in the area.


Of course soon enough, I found myself drowning in Earth Shards/Crystals, and not enough of, say, Lightning or Fire or Wind (stuff I dearly need ... :cry: ), so it appears elemental points contribute to your shard/crystal/cluster returns, too.

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The speculation about Attributes influencing crafting came from a misinterpreted mention of stats influencing crafting. Stats and Atributes are not the same and the only stats that do influence crafting are those stats found on certain equipment such as crafting tools and crafter clothes, etc. (stats like Craftmanship, Control and Output).

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I'd say, experiment! It doesn't take too horribly long to re-allocate your points, if you wind up needing to. Me, I'm pretty much going straight caster + DoH/DoL, so I'm putting almost double the points into MND/PIE/INT. I think those three are around 33 right now, while the others are around 20-ish?


As a THM, I'm mostly balancing my elemental points. Though I'm thinking I may start dropping more into the ones I need shards for. :P

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If you don't mind missing out on any bonuses you would get from specializing in one or two stats, you could do what I do-- spend your first couple levels of points evening everything out, then the rest raising everything evenly.


Currently level 8 with 21 in every stat and resistance. I forget if I have 2 or 4 points unspent.



Coincidentally, back in FFXI my favored race/job/sub is Hume Blue Mage/---, which has flat-even-across-the-board stats.

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I can't help feeling, though, that I'm doing it wrong and will later have to totally remake my character to redistribute my points correctly.


You DON'T need to remake your character. All you need is to hit that button that says "Reassign". It will give you some points back. All you gotta do is wait about half hour or more till you can reassign more points again (it is said that the waiting time gets longer as you are higher level).








There's also speculation about crafting jobs having focuses on certain attributes as well. Again, speculation for the moment, but it's worth keeping in mind as I am sure you'll be aiming to choose a craft for profit's sake, if not for gearing yourself.


It wasn't in crafting but gathering. SE said somewhere that if you have more STR, for example, you are better at mining.

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You can reassign points every thirty minutes :)


Incidental, what sort of magic do you want to use? If you want to min/max your options. Healing =MND Direct Damage = INT Debuff = PIE


Pie is good for direct damage spells too mind you, its your accuracy after all, but if you weren't interested in that, you could even out INT. Healing is only boosted by the MND stat and doesn't miss your allies.

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If you hold on to those points and don't apply them after that reassign' date=' could you potentially remove all of the points you added?[/quote']


Exactly !!


That's actually not too bad, provided it doesn't take a full month to do it.

It's something like 20% per use of the reassign button, so it shouldn't take too long to get all the points back.

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Oh! Well, the reassinging points thing doesn't sound too bad. And having that cleared up it would only take... what? Two and a half hours to get all the points back? xD


Still, that's a nice feature if it's right. Has anybody tried doing this yet? I'd be curious to know of that's how it indeed works.

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I heard back in Beta that it was possibly with certain Guilds to have stat changes.

For example +15 in a physical stat and -15 in a magical one, or the other way around.

I'm sure it was said, but I'm sure sure how it works, but I thought I'D throw this out here as something to look for in the future (when we start getting guild marks).

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I heard back in Beta that it was possibly with certain Guilds to have stat changes.

For example +15 in a physical stat and -15 in a magical one, or the other way around.

I'm sure it was said, but I'm sure sure how it works, but I thought I'D throw this out here as something to look for in the future (when we start getting guild marks).


You pay a crapton in guild points for an item that does it for you is all.

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