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Newbie adventurer looking for lancing teacher

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My character Lucas Rajan, a former business student and marriage bait by day, and grifter/honeypot by night, is in Gridania looking to start a new life by learning to be a lancer.


After having gone through a lot of effort and fun to RP the travel to Gridania along with P'ashara Pari, it would be great to find some lancers or dragoons to RP with while he's there, and continue advancing Lucas as a character.


Lucas is a bit of a pretty boy and also something of a runaway from family obligations of varying degrees of legality. Former hobbies included parkour and alchemy.


Also happy to RP with any manner of bounty hunters looking to bring him home for gil, or others who belong to merchant families who may recognize him, or who his family might want to use him to get in good with.

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